Gym goers: Are any of your workout buddies overbearing?

I have worked out with this guy quite a while and noticed that sometimes he's overbearing with his workout criticisms that I feel are unnecessary.

I put up a video of me bench pressing and I use a grip that I feel is safest for my wrists and suddenly I got this huge long post from him insisting I narrow my grip claiming it would excrete more hormones which I never heard of before and all I'm thinking of is how it'd most likely hurt my wrist. I didn't want to get into some debate with him or anything so I kept it simple and politely let him know I'm doing it this way.

This isn't the first time he made criticisms about my workout style though. Another time he mentioned about how I only do squats for my legs and I kept quiet about it because I used to do a "leg day" like a lot of people do but the way I changed my split up I didn't feel like explaining all the reasons behind it. I only workout because it's fun and I change things up as I feel like it. But he's always going on with these theories of exercise science and stuff that's he insisting on.

What should I do?
Gym goers: Are any of your workout buddies overbearing?
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