Anyone else not satisfied with their lives?

Show me yours people, because I'm about to show you mine. :/

I have these moments where my life annoys the hell out of me because I'm a loner. well not even though. loners are supposed to NOT be loud, talk to everyone, outgoing, social people right? So wtf? Am I just a social person with no social life? lol I don't really go many places other than school, sometimes to restaurants with a select few friends who are flaky themselves at times. more often than not I find myself in my room, doing nothing in my spare time. and I have NEVER been to a party at 20 years old. This guy at school always asks me to come to his parties but he's like 25 or 27 and has his own place. I imagine from knowing him that his parties would be a little out of my scene. I don't even drink for Christ sake. I think for me its more so my insecurity with my weight (I'm a fatty boo no fair) that keeps me from going places. Also, lack of real friends to hang out with. I talk to my old friends through facebook, but really I only hang out with my best friend from high school (who now goes to college in a different state but we talk everyday so no worries there) and another friend from high school. I like her as well but she really is what some might call a loner. my social habits with a legit introverted shy personality. that's actually one thing I didn't like about her at first (so introverted!) but she's different now that we are closer. sort of. my other friend who I click very well with is a horrible friend. we have so much fun together but she almost never hangs out with me or communicates with my best friend and i. she's ridiculous.

anyway Its partly my fault though. When people want to go somewhere I get in my lazy funk and just bury myself in my dorm room. I've literally stayed in my dorm all weekend before and only come out to eat and shower. That's kind of sad. I have friends in my dorm I could visit but I never do. I say I will but end up not doing it. I kind of suck. I think a lot of people give up on me. some people actually tell me that they stop or don't ask me to go places because they think I won't want to go anyway.ugh. I seem to be disappointed by people a lot. I have such high expectations for friends (compare them to my friends from high school, expect them to connect with me and understand me completely) and if we don't have amazing chemistry I kind of just get down about it. its so hard to find good friends these days as it is and I'm a pretty intense person on top of that so its not like I can get along with everyone.

anyone can relate out there? or what are your issues?
Anyone else not satisfied with their lives?
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