Starting a new job soon and I am not feeling well at all - what should I do?

I’m supposed to be starting on Tuesday and that start date is dependant on whether the company can give me a laptop.

The thing is I feel really unwell because I have stopped taking an anxiety pill cold Turkey due to having finished my supply and not knowing that, that was the last set of pills left and now I’m suffering pretty bad withdrawal symptoms like Hallucinations, drunk feeling, nauseous, just unwell. The pharmacy will be giving me another supply on Tuesday. On top of that, the heatwave in the UK is making it impossible for me to sleep nearly every night. It is now 6am and I have not slept at all. I don’t feel ready for Tuesday to be honest and I am not quite sure how to say if it is possible to start the Following Monday. Obviously, I don’t want to lose this job because of it.

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Starting a new job soon and I am not feeling well at all - what should I do?
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