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Yes, I do, my mom was very insane about my teeth growing up! I went to the dentist regularly, had braces, made sure to brush and floss my teeth at least twice a day... I still do it because it is a habit! She didn't really care about her son's teeth, only mine 😂😂
They are white and healthy, but they are tiny, so I barely have a smile.
I mean, they're pretty decent. Not American white. I drink tea. But they're in pretty decent shape. Possibly even better than @Caroline91 's
@Caroline91 No one has accused you of having 'British teeth' have they? :P Yeah, the glow in the dark thing is quite weird. I do like the American white teeth thing though. But if anyone has it done here they're kind of pansy-ish. You'd get made fun of for that here.
No I don't.
So I will not go to heaven, I guess? :)
yeah... and I go to the dentist twice a year
it's been over a decade now... since I stopped drinking soda on the regular, yes
yeah, all around... much better from one's health in general
that's good... and it will also help to keep the teeth in the first place, lol
Sadly I don't.