How to stay focused/driven with a workout and what's the best workout to follow?

I've always been the big/fat of my group of friends, it never bother me because when I needed to I was always able to drop weight.

Now what I mean by that is I've always been a "yo-yo dieter" like every year in high school I was always able to drop 20lbs, before and during football season my senior year I was able to drop 37lbs. Even since high school has been over every fall and winter I get into this workout kick


As soon as summer comes around I gain it back plus some. As of right now I'm currently sitting at 290lbs. My idea weight would be to get down to 230-240 and maintain it or get a little smaller. So what I'm asking is for anyone and everyone to give me their best advised on weight lose and how to keep it off.

Now understand I'm not into doing anything that involves popping some "miracle" pill or taking some nasty shakes. As of right now the main thing that I've started doing is eating better. Actually here what my plan is so far(please add to it or critique as much as possible):


-No greasy food

-No fast foods

-I've replaced most of my sugar intake with fruits

-I've cut back on the amount of seasoning in my foods

-For the three past weeks I've only eaten home cooked meal

-Trying to quit smoking currently at a pack every two days, down from a pack an a half a day


-So far just walking

-Recently purchased P90X

-Planning on getting a gym membership to get into the flow of working out before starting P90X

-Once comfortable enough planning on doing P90X every morning(Monday-Saturday) and hitting the gym 2-3times a week at night(when I'm feeling up to it)

I just want to know how some of you knock the weight off and keep it off

Whats some of the more or completely natural supplements out there that you guys are taking and 100% approve of it

Whats the best things to be eating that'll give me endurance and help burn some of the fat faster

What kind of activities should I get into that are fun but are also major workouts

In general I'm all ears for any advise that any of you are willing to throw my way. I'm serious about keep the weight off this time just tried of being the fat guy
How to stay focused/driven with a workout and what's the best workout to follow?
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