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myTakes: Health & Fitness

Understanding Mindfulness and How to Integrate It into Your Daily Routine

What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and engaged in the moment, aware of your thoughts and feelings without distraction or judgment. This ancient practice, rooted in Buddhist meditation,...

The Kaizen Way, AKA the method of making changes in baby steps. How can it change your life for the better?

The whole baby steps thing is all about how our minds are basically allergic to change. For our emotional brain, any change is like a red flag for potential failure, a threat to our cozy comfort zone, and a giant...

Slumber serenade:exploring the art and science of sleep

A good night routine can significantly impact your sleep quality and overall well-being. Here's a breakdown of an effective night routine: 1.Set a consistent bedtime: Establish a regular sleep schedule by going to bed...

How to Adopt a New Mentality the Serves You

My whole life I have heard things like, "Other people's opinions don't matter" or "You shouldn't care what other people think", and I have admired the sentiment and desired to feel such a way. Nevertheless, the philosophy...

Have you actually seen or heard of an animal saving someone's life?

While walking our dog's by myself early yesterday morning, one of the dog's kept pulling towards the direction of a man walking on the other side of the street. The other dogs also started pulling me towards that man....

Have you ever had, or suspected that you have had a heart attack?

The Most Common and Silent Symptoms of a Heart Attack Heart disease remains a leading cause of death worldwide, with heart attacks being a significant contributor. Early detection is crucial in managing and surviving...

The effects that sugar has on your brain and body

Sugar is everywhere, from the morning cup of coffee to the late-night dessert. In the United States alone, the average person consumes about 17 teaspoons of added sugar per day, far exceeding the American Heart...

Things to Do for a Productive Day

1. Start with a Morning Routine Begin your day with a consistent morning routine that suits your preferences. Whether it's exercise, meditation, or a hearty breakfast, having a structured start sets a positive tone. 2....

How do you deal with loneliness?

Let's tackle the elephant in the room – loneliness. It's that unwelcome companion that can sneak up on us, making even the sunniest days feel a bit gray. But fear not, because dealing with loneliness is not a...

Nothing works for my anxiety.

I've always been a more anxious person but since the start of my relationship I feel like it multiplied, not necessarily because of my boyfriend but just life events in general. I tried almost everything and nothing...

Pregnancy, baby and the nature

Howard W. Haggard is an American doctor and scientist. He wrote in his book: 'Devils, Drugs and Doctors' that... read about this book in an article... wrote in the book. “For hundreds of years, giving birth to a child was...

My struggles with Mental Health

I'm going to open up about the times I've been put into hospital due to my mental health. First Time was when I was 16, It all started with bullying in the locker room, I had girls from my team steeling my bra and...

How To Be Highly Masculine In 2023 (PRT-2)

How to be Highly Masculine in 2023. Tips. ( PART 2 ) _________________________________ ‼️ DISCLAIMER: These tips and suggestions are for young men only. If you’re above 40, I can’t help you. I’m 25 and I’m trying to...

Why every girl should have a full abdomen ultrasound scan in her early and late teenage years.

Every girl should have a full abdomen ultrasound scan in her early and late teenage years. That is, the scan should be done at the age of thirteen and at the age of eighteen and nineteen. Due to estrogen, progesterone,...

How Food Affects Your Personality and Emotions

Without a doubt, eating is one of the things that everyone in the world enjoys the most. At least it is for me. This being the case, we are of course curious about the effects of food on both our body and our personality....

Can non vegan/non vegetarian people be animals lovers?

Note: This is just an opinion. I am not defending anyone (neither vegans not non vegans) but simply stating things from a psychological point of view. Since veganism is a trending topic now, I have seen most vegans...

Do you know what is psychological first aid?

It’s basically a psychological invention to use during and after a traumatic event such as accidents, disasters or terror attacks. The aim of this aid is to educate people about acute stress symptoms, and provide...

Benefits of Nigella sativa is also called black seed or black cumin.

Nigella sativa is also called black seed or black cumin. Its name in Punjabi is Kalonji. Clonji contains a lot of amino acids and fatty acids. They help in keeping the heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas etc. healthy. Kalonji...

Yup it’s true your brain doesn’t fully develop till the age of 25

While most laws believe that at the age of 18, 16, or 17 in some states/countries people are considered adults and the legal age, neuroscience confirms your brain doesn’t actually develop fully till the age of 25. At 18,...

Benefits of pineapple 🍍 for girls suffering with PCOS

Pine apple is very beneficial for girls suffering from PCOS because it contains an enzyme called bromelain which helps the ovaries to function properly. Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme. It increases pain and...