
Don’t Make Your New Year’s Resolution Unrealistic: Here’s How To Start It Off Right!

To say and boast about something a lot before you begin is terrible. It is because you indulge in various activities that make your...
4 11

Why I am bothered by popular/MSM criticism of Christians

I was born into a Christian family and I attended church to the age of 16. That's when I left home and moved 350 miles away to begin...
1 23

How To Keep Your 2022 New Years Resolution When It Gets Hard?

It's that time of year where a lot of us start selecting annual goals. It can be inspiring and fun to imagine where you could be by at...
1 2

New Year... Another Old Joke Take...

Yep, at it again ! (Yes, means bored 🤣) Just cuz it's about to be a new year, some things never change.... You'll still have to deal...
6 19

JJ's Holiday Christmas Special Picks

I decided to do two mytakes and this one involving specifically Christmas specials. And yes there is Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, how...
0 2

JJ's Christmas Movie Picks

One or two gaggers asked me for a Christmas version of the Halloween thing that I did. While that did not turn out to be nearly as...
1 1

This Christmas will be different

It's a foregone conclusion, with the Covid-19 pandemic going on, this Christmas will be far more different than the one we are sused to....
5 4


How has your New Year started?

I know it's only two days but I've already had to make tough decisions and still trying to recover from all my holiday spending. But my...

How bitchy of this person do you think this was?

I wished someone for New Years. It wasn't even something elaborate just a wish. They saw it immediately and just didn't bother...

A guy who is married mentioned his wife for the first time in a conversation I was shocked bc he never mentioned his wife to me in conversations?

It seemed as he would hide her, but today he actually mentioned what he did for new years and that he played with his kids and went to...

A guy coworker asked me at work what’s my new year goal or plans?

Was he just trying to have a conversation

Are you glad to be getting back to a regular routine after the holidays?

Honestly, I'm not. I only had a week off and I barely started feeling normal towards the end. As I type this, I'm beginning to feel the...


Is Christmas dinner awkward?

5 2

What would you guys think about having a custom of “winter lights” in society?

I always enjoy the aesthetic of Christmas lights in neighborhoods, town and city centers, etc, probably disproportionate to the amount...
4 11

Do Holidays bring you joy?

3 3

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Will you celebrate New Years?

I used to love new years a kid. Staying up late, fireworks, as much sugar as I wanted and we could have champagne 🥂😂 But now it is...
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