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+1 y

When clubbing with your partner, would you want your partner to dance with others or not?

only me, no one dances with my guy, unless its a relative only. Don't trust woman that I am not familiar with. Relationships

+1 y

Do You Think It's Inappropriate To Hit On Someone In Front Of Their Kids?

Nope, as long as you do it discreetly, it should be ok. You're just flirting not like you are going to make out in front of the kids. I have done it in the past, and we were all good at the end. Flirting

+1 y

Would you want to be told, if your partner ever cheated on you?

Yes, i would like someone to tell me bc you never know if he got something from the other girl, STD or something that could harm my health severely. Relationships

+1 y

How would you feel if your date asked you to share a cigarette?

I dated guys that smoked before, and as much as they smoked, i noticed i would get very sick, so they had to start smoking outside so i wouldn't inhale some of the smoke... but it wasn't that they... Dating

+1 y

My roommate keeps leaving her laundry in there all day and left a passive aggressive note on the refrigerator? Am I the asshole?

This sounds like a power struggle for the roomate your living with, and it sounds like she is extremely lazy and hates doing her own chores... well decide on a date when its your turn to do the... Relationships

+1 y

What's Harder To Say? I Love You Or I'm Sorry?

I am sorry... bc i am admitting my mistakes and asking for forgiveness from someone i respect or i know i hurt that person in a way i shouldn't have done. I am putting myself out and making things... Relationships

+1 y

In a relationship, would you want your partner to have a picture of you as his phone lock screen and wallpaper? do you find that cute?

Sure why not, It would mean so much to me that he loves me enough to show me off to his family and friends. Also, it would be extremely sweet to know that he is thinking about me each day, as i... Relationships

+1 y

Would you date someone who was unintelligent, but had other qualities who attract you?

Yes, i would. I am not all smart either, and i dont judge anyone considering if the guy isn't that smart. But their hearts and souls would definitely attract me, bc then we have a loving... Dating

+1 y

Should I feel guilty about my friends wife leaving him?

Nope, don't feel bad at all. He made the stupid choice to get a woman and to make it worse to do that at his place while his wife was around or knew thats where he lived with his wife, what a low... Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Do any of your exes hold a special place in your memories or do you just go and try to forget them?

I usually forget and move on. Even if it ended in good terms i would move on still and i don't look back. That way it wouldn't be such a big deal if i start dating someone else and run into... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

What’s the first thing that you girls notice about a guy?

I notice their muscles and tattoos if they got any... i love very big guys and who they are big teddy bears inside their souls, but look mean in the outside!! Lol. Dating

+1 y

Would you date a couple?

Hey, well i been asked before if i could be in a relationship with a married couple... and they were very respectful to my decision by saying that i am straight, but if i were to be both sided i... Dating

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