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My review of Captain Marvel (2019)

I watched Captain Marvel for the first time last night and overall I thought it was a slightly above average film. It had it’s good moments but overall it wasn’t anything special. Here’s my detailed review. Minor spoilers ahead. 1. The lead star We all know the controversy surrounding Brie...

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Proto totalitarianism, the warning signs of an ideology’s totalitarian agenda

Throughout history, totalitarian/ tyrannical regimes have risen because people failed to see warning signs of the ideology or just chose to dismiss warning signs. Here are warning signs you should look out for. 1.)Promoting opinions as facts: Many totalitarian regimes are notorious for...

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Organizations and movements that fight against abuse in psych wards

Abuse in psychiatric wards is an issue that is often neglected by society. Many psychiatric hospitals are notorious for usually getting away with whatever mistreatment goes on in the specific psychiatric hospital. Fortunately there are many groups and individuals that have decided to make a...

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Tough Female Characters From Movies, Video Games And TV Shows That Aren’t Politicized

In recent years, the concept of strong and smart female characters have been the subject of attention in the media, making it seem that it’s a new concept. However, the concept of strong and smart female characters isn’t new. The concept has been around for a few decades but the difference now...

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Some of the many historic stands against communist/Marxist tyranny and injustice.

The Marxist and communist ideologies may have originated in the 1800s but they weren’t put into practice until the 20th century in the year 1917, when a group of insurgents known as the Bolsheviks took advantage of their weakened nation known as the Russian empire and launched a coup to install...

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Most Attractive Millennial Female Celebs

I tend to find older women more attractive but that’s not to say that there aren’t hot millennial females though. There are several millennial women that I find attractive. 1. Annalise Basso: Born 1998. Height 5’6”. A very pretty actress who is known for starring in horror films like Ouija:...

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How stereotyping and socially acceptable prejudice negatively affects the Asian male

As I’ve mentioned before , the relations between the Asian-American communities and the liberals are strained. More and more Asians continue to abandon the liberal community because they realize that liberalism doesn’t value the interests of Asians, especially Asian men which will be the...

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The Best Young Adult Movies I’ve Watched Thus Far

If there’s a specific type of movie genre I would like to see more of, it’s the young adult theme. Young adult movies tend to combine many my other favorite genres into one masterpiece. Whether it be action, Sci fi, fantasy, sport, horror, thriller etc. But there are also many other genres...

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Who I would cast in a hypothetical Wolfenstein Web series

The Wolfenstein franchise is one of the most iconic video game franchises out there. Not only does each game have amazing gameplay but the series itself is considered the “grandfather of first person shooters”. It’s a wonder why nobody has thought of making a movie or tv show out of it. Although...

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ADFSDF1996’s ranking of the live action punisher motion pictures (from best to worst)

The Punisher is one of my favorite marvel characters. Unlike most Marvel characters, the Punisher doesn’t rely on superhuman abilities or superpowers to vanquish his foes. All the punisher needs is his weapons, martial arts, intelligence and ability to improvise. In this take, I’ll be ranking...

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My criticism of psychiatric wards

Psychiatric wards have been around for ages and have been used to house the so called “afflicted”. These places go by many names such as “asylums”, “mental hospitals” and informally as “looney bins.” The history of these places is dark and disturbing, ever wonder why many horror movies take...

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A safe and convenient world: with order, freedom, equity and justice

We all have our ideal vision of society. We all think about ways we can inprove society to make it safer and beneficial for all. In this take, I’ll discuss some things that I believe can help out society as a whole. 1.)No more right turns on red: Right turns on red are very dangerous,...

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The strained relations between Asian-Americans and liberals explained

Read this before you read the rest of the take: Politics aren’t black and white, everyone is different. It’s not a matter of what side you are on, it’s a matter of how much you support said side or whether you even support a ideology to begin with. There are many people who are independent as...

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My review of The man in the high castle (seasons 1-3)

I just got done binge watching the first 3 seasons and I have to say, this series is the most powerful series I’ve watched so far and it completely destroys all popular tv shows(Game of thrones, Vikings, the walking dead etc). This series is unlike anything that has ever been done in a motion...

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Generation X, the Generation We Often Forget and Things I’ve Noticed About Them

When it comes to generations of people, we usually group them into four catergories, the “greatest generation”, the “baby boomers”, the “millennials” and “Generation Z”. But we often forget about “Generation X”. Generation X is a generation that falls between the baby boomers and the...

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Best national anthems according to ADFSDF1996

As someone who likes orchestral music, I have listened to various national anthems to see which ones I like. Here’s my list of the national anthems that in my opinion are amazing. Note this is apolitical. 1.) Russian Federation anthem: In my opinion this is the greatest national anthem created...

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Heightism: the Type of Discrimination That You Didn’t Know Existed

Humans come in all different heights, some are short, some are medium, some are tall and very few are giant. So who usually tends to suffer the most when it comes to heightism? Most of you already know, it’s short people. Specifically short men. Society puts too much of an emphasis on height...

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Males are Not Cannon Fodder and Why Male and Female Issues Should Be Treated Differently

Men have been viewed as cannon fodder by the gynocentrics for way too long. The gynocentrics like to push the erroneous idea that females are superior to males by enforcing double standards that hinder males. However, more and more people continue to speak out against these double standards....

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My Review of Atomic Blonde

I saw this movie about a week ago and I thought it was alright. It’s nothing special but it’s still good. It was very predictable but at least it is a original character. here is my review of this film. 1.) Mostly told in a flashback: Most of the movie is told by the protagonist in a...

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Male Objectification: A Hypocrisy

I’m not saying every woman objectifies males with malicious intentions, neither am I trying to shame or vilify women who like to admire a man’s physical appearance. Lastly, this is not meant to offend anyone. The female body is something that we are so use to seeing in the media to appeal to...

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