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1 y

How to learn to accept im unattractive to most women?

Join a gym, or take up a sport, where you will naturally tone up and build muscle. Then learn how to dress right, for your body type. Go shopping for some new clothes, and really put some thought... Relationships

1 y

Would you try roleplay with your partner?

I remember an episode of "Sex and the City" about this, between the Samantha and Smith characters. They would dress up 'in disguise' like "Sexy Smith, Secret Agent" and role-play some story.... Relationships

1 y

2 years of dating and he said I can't meet his family because his parents won't let him date and he's 23. I feel like that's a lie. What to do?

Won't let him date at 23? What kind of parents does he have? This is complete nonsense. He might be telling you the truth, but if he is it's even worse than him lying, because it means he hasn't... Dating

1 y

What is the best DM opener for a girl I've never spoken to?

"Hey there I just wanted to drop you a message and say hey. We've been following each other quite a while now but we've never chatted. Thought I would ask how you're doing. What do you think of... Relationships

1 y

How do I tell this gamer-girl "I love you"?

There’s lots of diverse advice here. It should be interesting for you to consider it all. I just want to say one thing: Ask yourself whether you’re certain that you want this girl to be the... Relationships

1 y

What is "Significant" about your Other?

Smart, integrous, self-sufficient, doesn’t give up. Considering he’s “not a talker” and came from a very unexpressive, almost no-talker family, I’ve sure managed to squeeze a lot of words out... Relationships

1 y

When it comes to dating, relationship and even sex are we at the mercy of men?

Some of what you say is true (such as the unfortunately all too prevalent rape in non-Western countries like India, where it is the girl and her family who is ruined by it, not the perpetrator,... Relationships

1 y

What does it mean when my boyfriend has me as his wallpaper on his phone?

Awww that's so cute. Wdym, what does it mean? Why do so many pinks ask these questions where the answer is obvious. It makes it seem like you want more compliments. You girls really need to stop... Relationships

1 y

Is this a red flag regarding marriage?

Ask him why he doesn't believe in it. Get detailed. It's a good sign he's willing to do it for the right person, to make them happy. He might feel not so negative about it, potentially, if the... Marriage & Weddings

1 y

Is it a bad sign if someone constantly moves?

Yeah something's going on there. Finances? Can't get along with roommates? Keeps losing his jobs and has to relocate for work? Irresponsible with money and is late on rent or doesn't pay, and gets... Dating

1 y

How likely do you think it is for a relationship between a 40-50 yr old woman and a 25-35 yr old man to work out well when there's a 15 yr age gap?

I wouldn't recommend it for a permanent situation or marriage. There are a lot of differences and incompatibilities and impracticalities that crop up. (Energy level, death, and generational... Relationships

1 y

Do you think this poem could win back my ex's heart?

I really don't like rhyming in verse. It's a turn off to me and always reads as an inexperienced writer, in my opinion. Relationships

1 y

Why would dumper delete their instagram and facebook months after breakup?

Why do so many pinks ask these questions around the idea that their ex regretted the decision? It seems women don't move on as much as men do. People get fed up with social media. Sometimes they... Break Up & Divorce

1 y

Name something you should never leave unlocked?

Well some people, especially guys, might say "heart." But not me. Pandora's Box. Cause to be tempted is to be human. Relationships

1 y

Ladies, how do we make you happy?

Be a good listener (but you do not have to listen indefinitely! There are limits to that. It's just some guys really zone out right away.) Be playful. No matter your age, don't forget how to, or... Relationships

1 y

Is complacency fixable?

It is an immutable law of relationships that women want more from their men, and men want their women to accept them as they are. You should do some serious thinking about that, and not just... Relationships

1 y

Can mental and verbal abuse be just as damaging as physical?

Of course. And remember that physical abuse is one element but it doesn't occur alone. There is always an emotional/psychological component to it. Listen to you therapist, and continue to go to... Relationships

1 y

Lack of intimacy because of anxiety. How can I help him?

Beautifully written. No, I haven't experienced this. But I do have a lot of experience with people with anxiety and panic attacks. I don't mean to diminish your experience, or the logical... Relationships

1 y

Is it true most boyfriends are romantic, or does mine just suck?

Most guys are not that romantic. Or, what women see as romantic, guys do not like as much or at all. But they express their love and care for others in other ways. They think actions, even if... Dating

1 y

He asked for my ring size?

Awwwww. You're getting a promise ring! Dating

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