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2 mo

How come we know what water is made of but no one can make it?

Sure you can make water, just put oxygen and hydrogen in a sealed container and it will bind together and form water. Thats how the ISS get their water, from recycled hydrogen rocketfuel. Food & Beverage

2 mo

Is pineapple a man made fruit?

Every frruit you buy in the grocery store is "man made". They are all bred to yield lots of sweet flesh and little to no seeds. And than there are a handfull if fruits that are crossbread... Food & Beverage

2 mo

Do you think every home needs a food thermometer?

No, I never used one in my entire life, and never felt the need to use one. Food & Beverage

2 mo

Make your perfect meal?

Pizza and Mc Flurry Food & Beverage

3 mo

You ever drink Alani energy drink?

No, never heard of them. But Energy Drink taste like gummybear piss anyway so i avoid them in general. Food & Beverage

3 mo

One has to go forever?

I wouldn't miss one of them. So i would like to crit hit all 4 Food & Beverage

3 mo

Pick a school lunch?

Thats all really unhealthy. Food & Beverage

3 mo

Make your ideal sandwich?

D. or stuff thats not not on the list Food & Beverage

3 mo

What ingredients would make the ultimate burger for you from bottom to top?

Burger Buns Plant based patty Onions Sriracha Sauce Garlic sauce Cucumber Tomatoes Gouda Feta salt and pepper Food & Beverage

3 mo

So it takes 12% alcohol to get you ditzy?

12% doesn't say much about the actual amount of alcohol you drank. Eg one shot glass of 40% vol Alc. eg Vodka or Tequilla, has the same amount of alcohol than a bottle of beer with only 4,2%... Food & Beverage

4 mo

Would you eat something that was past the expiration date?

Sure. As long as its not bad you can eat it. Sometimes months after the expiration date. Food & Beverage

4 mo

Is 16 dollars too much for a burger, fries and a Pepsi?

Seems like a fair deal, if you are eating at a Restaurant. Last time i ordered similiar meal, i paid 20€, but with two drinks. Food & Beverage

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