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2 d

Do you believe in spanking a child in order to correct their bad behavior?

Yes; I believe in spanking anyone who demonstrates the need to receive one. Family & Friends

8 d

What is living with you look like, would you say people (partner, friends, family) are fortunate to have you in their lives?

I think most of the women I’ve dated enjoyed their time with me, because I’m practically obsessed with pleasing them. Family & Friends

8 d

If you were bullied at School how did you react to it?

Yes, attending more than a dozen different schools K-12, I was bullied repeatedly throughout my grade school years, and although it was obviously very unpleasant at the time, I’m exceedingly... Family & Friends

2 mo

My wife wants to go on vacation with another guy?

This is ironically my favorite scenario, because surprising her with the news that I've booked a long, idyllic soul nourishing getaway for her and her male lover is often somehow equally as... Family & Friends

2 mo

Have you bought any Christmas gifts yet?

Not yet, but I'm hoping that a wonderful young Latina whom I recently met will grant me the privilege of spoiling her a little this holiday season🙏 Holidays

2 mo

What is Your Favorite Christmas Tradition?

Showering a beautiful bowman with gifts, attention and monetary tributes, without even the tiniest notion that she'll ever let me know the rapture of true coital ardor🐷💰🔥 Holidays

2 mo

Me and my boyfriend were in my room making noise, when I heard my parents start making noise in their room. Do you think they heard us?

They may have thought you were going to have sex, so they decided to do that themselves, so you wouldn't hear them. Family & Friends

2 mo

Should a woman still opt for vaginal birth if it's twins?

Isn't that what happens when a particularly unattractive person is born? The doctor looks at their face, looks at their ass and says, 'Twins!'. Family & Friends

3 mo

Should there be a law that parents must punish children if they know they are bullying their peers?

Hell, no; bullying provides numerous benefits for both the bully and the smaller, weaker beta males whose asses he beats, in my opinion. Family & Friends

3 mo

Would you Raise your Son's in Boys clothes or in girls clothes?

At the risk of stating the obvious, may I please tell you that you are absolutely magnificent? Family & Friends

3 mo

Would you still be friend with a cheater?

If the person cheating is a woman, yes, most definitely. A guy, probably not. Family & Friends

3 mo

How do you deal with extreme bitterness and hatred of others due to being bullied by others past or present?

I know this is a very controversial subject, and I'm always here if you want to talk, but as a male, I hold the grade school bullying I received as tremendously beneficial and even essential, to... Family & Friends

3 mo

My baby father said he is not going to help me with our son because I make $20 and he make $16 is that fair?

No, that's obviously not right at all. I just started following you and I'd like to invite you to follow or message me, as well, if that's alright. Thank you very much. Family & Friends

4 mo

Is my coworker attracted to me if he likes my sassy side?

One of the biggest myths about M/F relationships is that most guys prefer a meek, self effacing woman over a more assertive one. I think the majority of men like a woman who is at least somewhat,... Family & Friends

6 mo

How do you feel about leaving all your riches to your kids in a will?

Since I have no children, my estate will be gratefully bequeathed to the woman or couple that are designated as the owners of that ass upon my passing. Family & Friends

6 mo

Would you see this as inappropriate/wrong?

I think that's one of those things that varies widely from person to person. Being (apparently) from the Great British Empire, long known for its citizenry being impeccably courteous, it's not... Family & Friends

6 mo

When is the first time your parents actually realized you were an adult?

Thanksgiving weekend, 1978. I had just turned 15 a week earlier, and my step dad was being an asshole. He put his hands on me, started pulling my hair at the dinner table, so I jumped up, hit him... Family & Friends

6 mo

What helps you deal with a parent’s death?

You just try to focus on the good times you had with them. Family & Friends

6 mo

Why do arguments with our parents affect us emotionally, even as adults, so much more than fights with other people?

Because, asks the case with the increased physical strength that allows you to kick your dad's ass if necessary (I only had to do that once, with my step dad), they never believe that you're a... Family & Friends

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