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+1 y

Why does it feel like women are being condemned for wearing makeup?

I can only speak for myself. Personally, I'm glad that my wife doesn't wear makeup in everyday life but I would never make any comments about this towards other women (not even close friends, let... Society & Politics

+1 y

Is the #metoo movement out of control? what happened to innocent until proven guilty?

It's a very difficult issue. I can totally see your point and I agree with it to some degree. However, I don't doubt for a second that lots of rich, powerful men are complete and utter assholes.... Society & Politics

+1 y

How often do you see interracial couples where you live?

Interesting question! It's very rare here too. In fact, besides my wife and me, I only know three other interracial couples personally and two of them are our friends because the wives come from... Society & Politics

+1 y

What do you think of guys who use prostitutes?

I support legal prostitution and I'm glad it's completely legal in my country. I don't judge anyone who visits a prostitute or hires an escort girl or an escort boy (those exist too :-) ). As long... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you think the transgender movement have gone too far?

I just don't understand why people get riled up over this. Somebody wants to call themselves "gender-fluid" because that's how they feel? Good for them. I have no problem with that, it doesn't... Society & Politics

+1 y

Can women be cucked?

Yes, the female version of a cuckold is usually referred to as a cuckquean. Personally, I refuse to use either of these words outside of the realm of sexuality because I think the connections are... Society & Politics

+1 y

What do you think about HuffPost Editor New Year’s Resolution: “KILL ALL MEN”?

Are you triggered? This sounds like sarcasm to me. But even if it's not, I refer you to the logical fallacy called "composition fallacy" because that's the one you're currently committing.... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you think that the British Empire was a good thing or a bad thing?

All empires are bad. I haven't yet seen an empire I liked. The British Empire stopped slavery... are you joking? They actively participated in the slave trade and especially in the violent... Society & Politics

+1 y

Have you ever been to a nude beach?

Yes, many times. It's very unspectacular. My family owns a vacation house on the Spanish island Mallorca in the Mediterranean Sea. Close to the house, there is a really nice and long beach, where... Society & Politics

+1 y

Is what's right and wrong subjective?

On the most fundamental level, moral values are universal and objective. Of course there are also subjectives views on certain, moral issues and defining something as personal as morality in an... Society & Politics

+1 y

Are beauty pageants a way to objectify women?

I would say so. But that's not what I find troubling and annoying about them. What I find troubling and annoying about them is how fake and superficial they are. And especially in the case of... Society & Politics

+1 y

Is human activity primarily responsible for global climate change?

Yes. And that's not a question anymore. The science is out and very clear on the matter. The debating is over. At this point, anyone who doesn't believe in the human impact of climate change makes... Society & Politics

+1 y

Who would win in a fist fight among world leaders?

I think my country Switzerland would have a very good chance because we don't have one leader, we have 7. This obviously would gives us a big advantage... and as far as I know, we're the only... Society & Politics

+1 y

Would there be less war and more peace if women ruled the world?

That's extremely hard to say. I think there is some chance a female-ruled world would be more peaceful, simply because women don't tend to solve problems with physical aggression. While men can be... Society & Politics

+1 y

If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?

I would ask one of these two questions: 1. How specifically (detailed instructions) can I build a machine that can cure any injury or disease? 2. how specifically (detailed instructions)... Society & Politics

+1 y

Cultural Appropriation?

Personally, I see two big problems with this cultural appropriation argument as it is made in the US: 1. What you're talking about isn't really "stealing" culture, it's an exchange of culture.... Society & Politics

+1 y

Should we give up our traditions because other people find them offensive?

I don't think people have to abandon such traditions but I do think you should be able to question the traditions critically, without letting patriotism narrow your mind and your world view.... Society & Politics

+1 y

Should religion be banned, and why/why not?

No, it shouldn't. Regardless of what I personally think about religions and religious people, it is a fundamental right in a democratic and enlightened nation. We have fought for centuries... Society & Politics

+1 y

Is the black and white “SS” symbol always a white supremacist symbol? Or could it be something else?

There might exist similarities but the "classical" slanted SS-symbol stands for "Schutzstaffel", which is the German word for "protection corps" and refers to Adolf Hitlers private army (which... Society & Politics

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