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2 mo

Do you ever tip the cleaning staff when you stay at a hotel? If you do, how much do you usually tip?

Depends. Most days I keep the do not disturb up if it's a work trip. I don't make much mess and I'll grab more coffee at the front desk. Personal trip, depends on how much the place gets trashed... Family & Friends

2 mo

Has anyone ever felt trapped to keep texting with a clingy person 24/7?

No I just stop texting. Especially if I have stuff to do. Family & Friends

3 mo

Why do people choose to be childless?

I'm sorry you're going through this rough time. I hope you are able to get some professional help for dealing with something that can seem very overwhelming for you. That said, I'm childfree. It... Family & Friends

3 mo

How can I be more respectful of peoples decisions?

What kind of decisions are we talking about? If I order a pastrami sandwich at the deli are you going to be a bitch to me? I think we need more to go on here. Only major things like passing you up... Family & Friends

3 mo

Are you good at making friends?

I used to make friends with terrorists for a living. Normal people? Piece of cake. That said, I got 5 or 6 guys that will stack on a corner with me on any building in the world, which is worth far... Family & Friends

3 mo

My family doesn't seem to like me?

Some people get good families, some don't. Save up and move out, get away from all the toxic bullshite and never look back. You'll be happier in the long run. Family & Friends

3 mo

Boyfriend got me a cheap Valentine’s Day gift?

What did you get him? And has he rightfully dumped you yet? You're like the prize they give at the county fair when you don't win the giant stuffed bear but you're played thirty times so they... Valentine's Day

3 mo

I am 24 and my relationship with my parents stops my growth. How do I overcome this?

You get some roomies and split an apartment like the rest of us did. If you still can't afford that you move to a third world country where you can. Family & Friends

3 mo

At what age are you too old to live with your parents?

I moved out at 18 to go to college. Got a job, split an apartment. Maybe a few more years, but certainly 30+ is obscene barring severe medical issues. Family & Friends

3 mo

Can someone talk with me about this?

Yep. It's Valentine's day. Means shite to us but means something to you, and he's putting you in side chick zone on a day that you likely care about. Valentine's Day

3 mo

Are many women interested in heading up to secluded mountain view cabin for a romantic weekend anymore?

Every time I've done that it's been wildly successful, but of course most of our food was homecooked and upscale so while I don't think that's essential, I accept that played a part in it. I think... Valentine's Day

3 mo

Why can't I make friends easily?

There were a few of your responses (sorry can't remember which ones) where you seemed a little... shall we say... someone I would be disinclined to approach. You've had some that were not though.... Family & Friends

3 mo

Husband has a work trip to Germany over valentines day is that sus or just bad timing?

If he's a fry cook at mcdonald's yeah, if he does international patent law, not so much. Valentine's Day

3 mo

Do you have any Valentine's Day nail art ideas?

I never take anyone serious with nail art if they're old enough to vote. Valentine's Day

3 mo

If the world had a vote to keep or remove Valentines Day as a holiday which way would you go?

I can't remember the last time I received something on Valentine's day, but the expectation is always that I give something? Yeah we can let this one die on the vine. Valentine's Day

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