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1 mo

Is jealousy and possesiveness a sign of true love?

I leave guys that do not make me fell happy and a guy who makes me jealous does not make me fell happy. Relationships

1 mo

Do you find 1 in 20 men attractive?

You don't get this - you don't want a woman who finds a lot of guys attractive cause if she found many guys good looking she would not stay loyal to you when other guys approach her. The way... Dating

1 mo

Have you ever had someone crushing so hard on you? What did you do about it?

I think the two most serious crushes by guys that I can think of where there was no mutual interest were toxic. One guy had all these weird fantasies about Asian girls and treated me like I was a... Relationships

1 mo

How old were you when you went on your first date and was the experience good or bad?

I went on one introductory date with a guy I knew online in my 20s and it was not because I liked him, I thought that since he had spent months trying to establish friendship that I should meet... Dating

1 mo

First date questions?

Cliche is only bad if you are choosing entertainment or using generalizations to make a miscalculated decision. Social activities do not have to variegate from a common denominator to be... Dating

2 mo

Which church are you a member of?

I have not been to a church in the real world since the pandemic happened and then not going to a church became a way of life for me once the CoVid resolved itself. I don't feel safe at church... Religion & Spirituality

2 mo

Do you think there is one person out there that each of us are meant to be with?

I think our actions function like magnets, the stronger your magnet, the more likely you are to draw somebody who is attracted to your energy. The main difference is your attraction signal in the... Dating

2 mo

If The Newlywed Game TV show existed today, would you and your partner like to be on it?

I don't like attention cause I've seen how dangerous and deadly it can get if people pay too much attention to you. I've heard of people developing anorexia or clinical depression or personality... Relationships

2 mo

Why do men and women think they are irreplaceable?

It's not easy to replace a bad person so yes many people are easy to replace. Dating

2 mo

Is it a deal breaker if the guy doesn't pay for the first date?

It depends on his situation and on whose idea it was to eat there. If it was my idea, then me paying for it would be perfectly normal. If it was his idea, and he doesn't pay, I might feel like he... Dating

2 mo

Have you ever overcome a serious fall out over something that you didn't feel was a big thing with your partner. If you have how did you achieve it?

I was rude and inconsiderate with the guy I talk to now around 12 years ago. A lot of people would have ghosted me after that but he forget about it around 7 years later. I've know him for around... Relationships

2 mo

What do you think of roses? Do you like this flower 🌹?

I don't know if pink roses are found in nature or if people dye them pink, but I prefer pink roses to red ones for things like Easter or valentines day. For celebrations like a wedding or a... Dating

2 mo

Have you ever loved someone and never admitted it? Why didn't you tell them?

I crushed on people without saying it but love is a different story. Relationships

2 mo

Truth or Myth: If you can't be happy alone, you won't be happy in a relationship?

Happiness comes by seeking and acknowledging God and God’s value and by acknowledging the beauty and value and dignity and morality of God’s people. When people say they respect God but do not... Relationships

2 mo

Love vs. in love?

Are you in love with your cat? Are you in love with your shrimp? Are you in love with sunlight? Relationships

2 mo

Why are women of today so masculine and despise femininity?

The ones that I know who have somewhat masculine traits were raised in places, where female traits like empathy, sensitivity, courage in the face of risk, and gentleness, were punished and... Relationships

2 mo

Has anyone had to deal with extreme limerence?

I was given a different definition of limerence when I was in school. I was told it's the pivoting point where one contagion is neutralized and another is given power and influence. Relationships

2 mo

What advice would you give to a male in his early 20s about dating?

I would tell him to avoid girls who have anger management issues and never to give up his education for a girl, cause I know guys who did that and they got dumped on graduation day. Dating

2 mo

Are you an emotional or practical person in real life?

I would say I am socially logical so not emotional and not tactile practical either. I do practical things but my goal is to work in the abstract domain rather than the domestic procedural one. Relationships

2 mo

Is a man using a lot of emojis in texts a turn off?

If you combine a short phrase or expression with an emoji, you won't be seen as boring. I also find it's not conversation word variability that engages people but emotional variability that... Relationships

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