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+1 y

How did your relationship start?

At the gym, and we've been together even since. Relationships

+1 y

What can you do when a girl starts hitting you and pushing you and you don't really want to hit her back?

I would try to walk away from the situation. And if it continues, I would stop talking or being with the person in question. There is no reason for you to put hands on another person. Relationships

+1 y

True or false: If your partner cheats and you choose to leave, then you didn’t fight hard enough for your relationship?

they decide to cheat, thats on them. they knew that they could come to you with whatever they are going through - but instead go into the arms of another person? NAH. Relationships

+1 y

"The longer you hide your feelings for somebody, the harder you fall for them" Is this true?

I think the longer you hide your feelings, the more chances there are for you to get hurt. So telling the person to see if they like you back, is important. And then, if they don't, its easier to... Relationships

+1 y

Where do you think you'll meet your soulmate?

... I met my guy at the gym. lol - he's the one that signed me up. Dating

+1 y

Do you believe in soulmates/true love?

I believe that there are multiple people for everyone, and it depends on where you are in the world and how your are physically, mentally, and emotionally in that moment. Dating

+1 y

Can the words beautiful or gorgeous be used to describe men?

I also like using the words delicious, and enticing. Flirting

+1 y

Is it bad that I find older men disgusting for hitting on girls my age?

Thats your opinion. I personally love my old man, so to each their own. Dating

+1 y

Once in a relationship, would you let your partner have new friends of the opposite sex?

I am one of those girls that have a lot of guy friends, always have. Ever since I was in middle school, I chose to have 2 girlfriends, and the rest of my friend group were guys. They were what I... Relationships

+1 y

Would you kiss someone if they were sick?

I mean, if they had an incurable disease, and it was passed only though saliva/blood... NO. But, If they have a head cold, or virus. It's whatever. You're already breathing the same air,... Dating

+1 y

How do girls feel about guys with stretch marks?

Its part of life, I don't care Dating

+1 y

Why do I get no attention from girls?

Well, the problem sounds like you have more of a problem with being an introvert than being noticed by girls. Cause, Im a girl... and I notice that your are handsome. Bodybuilding is a sport,... Dating

+1 y

I found another girl's underwear in my boyfriends room?

If you can't trust him, then there must have been something that happened for you to doubt him beforehand. I personally, would probably just let it slide after I talk to my SO because socks... Dating

+1 y

Girls Beards or Clean Shaven?

I don't really know what it is about a man with a beard, but I love it. Look up Brock O'Horn, or Mario Rodriguez, or Ben Tomasek on Instagram... All godly to me. Dating

+1 y

Do you stop associating with people who like to gossip?

No, as long as they don't bring me into the drama, I don't care. Relationships

+1 y

When a girl says "No Hookups" on tinder?

yeah they mean it Dating

+1 y

GUYS, we act like a couple but we are not dating? Weird?

Honestly it could be both things. He could like you and want something more with you. BUT, since you have known each other for years it could be a little difficult to bring it up. Just like... Relationships

+1 y

Why does my boyfriend do the opposite of what I ask?

He's immature, and has NO respect for you or your feelings. But, a picture on Facebook? You're worried about a "like" on a picture? There are bigger things to worry about. Dating

+1 y

Would you trust your gf/bf to go to a festival/concert?

Honestly, I have to say, I'm a great woman. I bring a lot to the table. If my significant can not see that. Then, he can go to hell. I dont need him lol Relationships

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