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13 d

What would the United States be like if we hadn't declared our independence from the British empire?

If we had not declared our independence, the UK would have become subservient to the US, or our independence would have eventually been established. Society & Politics

13 d

Workplace and YouTube video examples. Are single mother households healthy for your country?

On average, children develop much better if they live in a home with both a mother and a father. Single parent households are not healthy for any country. Relationships

14 d

Are first loves unforgettable?

It's been 53 years and I haven't forgotten her, but even though she lives in the same city, I also haven't seen her in 50 years. Dating

15 d

He got someone else pregnant and now he's begging me to take him back what do I do?

YOU are responsible for breeding with this illiterate garbage that calls himself a man, and I can only assume that you enjoy this kind of drama. When it gets to be too much, go get an injunction... Relationships

15 d

How to not be a dry texter?

Here is an idea that will probably astound you: call the guy instead of texting. Flirting

15 d

Which do you consider to be more dangerous?

You hate yourself and all men? You may not realize this, but many of us are gentlemen! Other

16 d

What kills most relationships?

People trying to make it a relationship ASAP, to address their own insecurities, rather than just slowing it to happen. . . that is what kills many relationships. Relationships

16 d

How long does a TOILET PAPER ROLL last in your bathroom?

Just me and my wife, so at least a few weeks. Other

17 d

Are you a romantic person?

I'll give you a hint: I sang to my bride at our wedding. Relationships

18 d

What should I do today?

You should look for a job within walking distance or accessible by public transportation. Other

18 d

How do you feel about going 50/50? Where do you draw the line?

When dating, i always paid for everything. I could afford to do that and it is what my generation does; it was never a subject for discussion on a date. Now i am married and it doesn’t matter... Relationships

19 d

Hello beautiful Gag people, how was your weekend?

I had a wedding rehearsal on Friday afternoon, met my future sisters-in-law from China, hosted a dinner for 20 people, got married on Saturday with about 150 people in attendance, had a reception... Other

21 d

Is this SIGN funny... or real?

I never had children but i understand they can be quite slippery and elusive. Like a greased pig. Other

21 d

What do you think of Biden administration changing its mind about menthol cigarette ban in an election year?

Everything the far left does is about solidifying their power and not about what is right for our country. Society & Politics

22 d

If ONE is the LONELIEST number, why do people ony want one wife?

Q. Do you know what bigamy is? A. It’s having one wife too many. Q. Do you know what monogamy is? A. It’s the same thing. Says the guy who is getting married tomorrow! Relationships

25 d

Would you break up with your partner, if you found out they had quite a high body count?

This concerns you so let's not pretend it's a hypothetical question. What is your body count and over what period of years did that number accumulate? What is your pattern recently? Dating

25 d

Do you play an instrument?

I play piano, drums, and sing. Other

26 d

Which type of a GAG user are you?

1,119 Questions Asked 135 myTakes Shared 76,530 Opinions Provided Which category am I in? G@G Community

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