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1 y

Is it normal that my wife breaks things when she is angry?

Yeah, in my first marriage, we wound up getting divorced about a year in. If you're getting that 1 month in, caveat emptor, get an annulment while you can, if you can. Relationships

1 y

Why do men cheat if they have a girlfriend or wife? Why does marriage exist if men want 100 women?

I think men and women cheat for the same reason, to get more attention, feel control over others, and forget about their own problems. I've been cheated on during my first marriage, and before... Relationships

1 y

My guy friend calls me every day to chat-sometimes for 30-60min-but when I ask him out for dinner or drinks he says he is too busy. What is going on?

How long has that been going on? I'd say either he's using you to fill up a hole for attention, or lining you up as an escape plan for in case a current relationship goes badly. Either way it... Relationships

1 y

What are your thoughts on Utah becoming the first state to ban social media for children under 18?

It's just virtue signaling, Louisiana has a law banning access to porn in the state unless you scan your drivers license. Call me crazy, but I don't trust pornhub with my drivers license, so I... Society & Politics

1 y

Marjorie Green interrupts president Biden yelling "liar" during the state of the union. Do you think a president should be respected as he speaks?

That question goes both ways, the same shit happened to Trump. If this stage is set for Idiocracy to commence, then it's utter foolishness to expect that what you do will not be returned to you. I... Society & Politics

1 y

Do you love those girls who test your patience?

I loved about week long relationships with them while I still wasn't ready to think about an LTR. They typically feel entitled because they have looks, which can be fun to keep in your rotation to... Relationships

1 y

Earthquake emergency kit! What's in your earthquake/disaster kit?

Nothing, they don't happen in Louisiana. For hurricanes and floods it's pretty extensive though. I've been prolific in my breeding, so my planning has to extend out from a bug-out bag to more of a... Society & Politics

1 y

Please take moment, looking for real and true advice (even if harsh), and different perspectives. What should I do, if anything?

Well, it depends on what kind of outcome you're looking for. Is it possible you're a masochist? You know, repeating the same actions that lead to the same result where you're dominated by the same... Relationships

1 y

What should I look for in a car repair service?

That's pretty broad, is it body work, engine, upholstery, electrical, maintenance? Is it covered by insurance or not? I mean, these are good questions to ask yourself as well as how much money are... Other

1 y

When a woman says, “I don’t need a man to take care /complete me” MEN hear “I don’t need them in at all”?

I think it's a defense mechanism from women who are your age, specifically older, and find themselves in a spot where dating and finding relationships is much more difficult. When I was younger it... Relationships

1 y

Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who suffers from depression? If so what was it like and how did you deal with it?

Several, my first marriage was like that. It got to a point where I was no longer sure if she was really depressed or trying to manipulate me with that as an excuse. Either way there was cheating... Relationships

1 y

How would you feel if your birthday was on Valentine's Day?

Damn that would be depressing. There is no possible way that can spin out in a positive way. If you're single, sad. If you're hitched, it's less sad, but it's like a Christmas birthday, you have... Valentine's Day

1 y

Yes, I voted for Joe Biden but I am sorry. Do you forgive me?

More dead people voted than the living. Rather than apologizing to others, you should worry more about squaring away with yourself. Whether it's cool or not, at some point you need to be alright... Society & Politics

1 y

When you buy someone a drink, what do you expect from them?

To keep the conversation rolling. I very rarely buy anything for women who are strangers. If it's a meal or a drink, it's because we've already built some rapport. More than likely I'm going to... Relationships

1 y

Is it better to live and make mistakes or to be cautious and well-reasoned?

I'd say a mix, but I've lived most of my life charging head first into whatever looked exciting or beneficial. When it comes to my family I'm cautious as all hell though. Other

1 y

Does Crying Make a Man Weak Or Is Showing Emotion, a Masculine & Alpha Male Quality?

If it's with anyone other than your mom, dad, or wife in private or a funeral, that's weak, and will most likely be used against you later. Society & Politics

1 y

What percentage of your past would you say your boyfriend/girlfriend is aware of?

Very little. I have a poor memory, so I've forgotten a lot about myself anyway, she'll never know about that. There are other things I can't talk about, that's off the table. Some I can, and she... Relationships

1 y

Do Women Oversexualize Themselves?

Everyone likes positive attention, many women take the route of sexing it up. True, it wouldn't work if men didn't take the bait, but on the flip side less men now are taking that bait, and women... Society & Politics

1 y

Why are you for more strict gun control laws?

I'm not, there are more guns than people in America, less than 1% of Americans are in law enforcement, and 7% current or former military. You can't mobilize heavily armed civilians, but on the... Society & Politics

1 y

What stupid thing would you do with a massive bank account?

Fund research into telomeres, and nanomachines. If you're talking billions, there's a slim chance of finding a way to stop aging, and possibly even immortality. The level of stupidity and... Other

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