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1 mo

What is your best trait? What is your worst flaw?

Best trait: I literally have the patience to wait out continental drift. Worst flaw: I might be a bit spiteful and can get a bit mouthy... Dating

1 mo

My first question ever, why would you date someone that you wouldn't ended marrying them?

Every person I've dated have been people I intended to stay with for awhile. I never just dated someone just because. I've always put in the effort on my end and considered each person seriously.... Dating

2 mo

How often in a month or week do you see your partner?

I live with them... there it's no escape from me lol Relationships

2 mo

Girls, Would you be happy if your partner promised to never get you pregnant?

Absolutely! I would cherish that promise! My partner is also a woman so... lol Relationships

2 mo

Should I tell my partner I've been feeling insecure in the relationship?

Arguments are natural in any relationship, and they can honestly be healthy at times if done correctly. You do need to communicate this feeling to your partner. There are things that the both of... Relationships

2 mo

How do I break up with a guy who is really sweet?

You be honest and gentle. Tell him you appreciate the gifts, but you're just not feeling the chemistry in your end. Break Up & Divorce

2 mo

Why does my friend want me to buy her ex boyfriend a gift when I only met him once and they have broken up?

I can usually come up with a good guess why people might do something, even if it is a stretch... but I have nothing for this one. This is weird and you really shouldn't have to do that. If you... Relationships

2 mo

Do you get attracted to someone you know you can’t be with because they’re taken but you get attached anyways?

Yeah, once it college. It was never bad or distracting. I just got flustered whenever they were around. It lasted about a month before the crush died out lol. Flirting

2 mo

Am I in the wrong?

So what was his reasoning for leaving? Then why did he come back? Dating

2 mo

How many of you believe that there’s someone for everyone?

My job is unique in a sense where I get to see people and families in extremely stressful situations, when you see their true colors. Even when someone is being a vile human being, they still have... Relationships

2 mo

Would you date someone who is bisexual?

Yes. I have already. My last ex is bisexual. I almost got engaged to her. I had no issues dating someone bisexual. Dating

3 mo

Have you ever stayed with a cheater for months before leaving them?

No I have not. I ended it the second I was able to. The 45 minutes between learning of it and finally getting to their apartment was excruciating. I wouldn't last a second longer. Break Up & Divorce

3 mo

Would you date someone with a speech impediment?

Yes. A friend of mine I met in college had a minor speech impediment. She was the funniest person I've met, and she also had an incredibly kind and caring personality. Speech takes a back seat to... Dating

3 mo

Do you every get embarrassed of your partner?

Nope! Not my current one at least. I'm incredibly proud of my current partner and feel life I'm showing them off more than anything else, let alone feeling embarrassed. Feeling embarrassed is... Relationships

3 mo

Do girls feel good about themselves rejecting guys saying they are married?

Nope. If I'm to the point that I'm dating I'm married, I've most likely said no in a number of other ways. I'm gay, which is like my ace card when approached by men. But it doesn't always work...... Dating

3 mo

Should advice on dating from sites such as this, Reddit, Quora, Loveshack, citydata etc be taken with a grain of salt?

Absolutely. Just like you should take advice from friends or family with a gain of salt. No one is exactly the same so not all advice is going to work for everyone, if at all. Dating

3 mo

Men during pregnancy?

Use your words and ask. Most people won't come to you with their problems or concerns. They may not even open up when asked, but asking at least shows your caring and kind intentions. Relationships

3 mo

Why the Lie? What Did I Do Wrong?

Sounds like he lied because he didn't want to lose you as he said. But HE screwed up by lying to you instead of coming to you and talking to you about it. Communication is the key to any good... Dating

3 mo

Do you think society is becoming more promiscuous and less focused on finding a good healthy relationship?

Humans have always been this way. It is just more acceptable for people to be open about their extracurricular activities. There is also media and social media to quickly distribute this... Relationships

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