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10 mo

Best way to forget about someone?

Try to get busy with stufff or someone else Dating

10 mo

Did I just experience domestic abuse?

Whatever it was, waht matters is how you felt about it. It made you feel violated and when you tlod him about it he behaved like an immature person instead of understanding your feelings and... Relationships

10 mo


Maybe he finds it cute when you act jealous, but if its too much then that shows that he's still immature Relationships

10 mo

My boyfriend has a VERY different family from mine, what should I do?

If it feels like too much to you, like if your ick for his family is greater than your love for him, then you should beeak up But in my opinion, you're in a relationship with him and not his... Relationships

+1 y

Ideal dates? Morning, mid-day or at night?

Evening, you could catch sunset. Dating

+1 y

If you were the opposite sex, would you marry yourself?

Not right now. Maybe in future, if I find myself in better situation. Relationships

+1 y

If Cheating Was A "Punishable Offense" What Form Of Punishment Would You Choose For Cheaters?

They have to remain celibate for a period of time like 6 month or more. Relationships

+1 y

I keep comparing myself to her? Why am I never good enough?

You need to distance yourself from all these people. You have self esteem issue for which you need therepy but meanwhile you need to distance yourself from such situations that make you feel that... Dating

+1 y

This Butt is a ?

I gave it 9/10 I guess she's about 30-32... No I'm not jealous, her butt looks really good. Dating

+1 y

My girlfriend doesn't obey me. What should I do?

What is your problem with crop tops? What would you do if she doesn't stop wearing it? Why does an article of clothing effects your mood so much? Dating

+1 y

What are considered red flags when you are texting a guy that should give you warning bells to run?

The things you mentioned is definitely a red flag. Also if the person doesn't remember some important things that i already told him. Dating

+1 y

Are Alpha Males a thing of the past?

Human alpha's dont exist Dating

+1 y

Girls, do you want to receive flowers from a guy/romantic interest?

I don't care but at the same time I'd appreciate if a guy who's interested in me, if he wants to give me something, he gives me something more practical than flowers. But If he gives me... Dating

+1 y

Why did she ghost me?

Maybe she wasn't free. And doesn't one tick means she received the message but haven't read? I'm not sure, just asking. Anyway, try messaging her again. From the texts you showed, i don't see... Dating

+1 y

Should your spouse be your best friend?

Not necessarily... But its much preferred in my opinion. For me that is. It would be icing on the cake... Relationships

+1 y

Would you say a straight guy that is dating, and or having sex with a Trans girl/woman is considered gay?

If they still have penis, then yes. If they've transitioned fully then I don't think the man they're having sex with will know they're trans. It doesn't hurt anyone if they don't know about it. Dating

+1 y

How do you push away someone you like?

Why do you want to push away someone you like? Regardless of a reason, i think you should give them subtle hints and gradually start to lose contact... give them some excuses and they will... Relationships

+1 y

Remove sex from a relationship and you'll discover that a lot of people have nothing to offer. Agree or Disagree?

I disagree with this Because when we meet a potential partner for date, the first thing you do is talk, you get to know them. you don't jump into bed without creating a relationship. I mean... Dating

+1 y

Flirting vs playful banter: How do you tell the difference?

I think prolonged eye contact? Also as someone said in playful banter they make fun of you but in flirting they compliment you. Flirting

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