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+1 y

Is this chart accurate?

Um... aren't Irish white western Europeans? Society & Politics

+1 y

What would it be like if there was a world where only women existed?

Depends on the context - did men never exist or did men exist but went away? Society & Politics

+1 y

What do you think is the most disliked country in Europe?

I'd say there's a regional divide. In western Europe, it's a tie between England and France (I'd say most of Europe dislikes England more due to their football fans), in Central Europe it has to... Society & Politics

+1 y

Who are the sources of information you listen to or read that you can safely rely on?

Altough he is a milktoast fence-sitter, I still watch Tim Pool. I also view the Quarterly from time to time. Society & Politics

+1 y

What’s your result for this political leaning/standing test?

I expected to be a bit closer to the top but I guess I'm not Natsi enough for that Society & Politics

+1 y

Could 1/3 of the US kill 1/3 while 1/3 just watches?

Absolutely. In fact, the US itself is an example of something like that already happening. People have this false idea that "all Americans" stood against the British in the revolutionary war when... Society & Politics

+1 y

Will robots replace the police?

The combine took away jobs from field workers but it opened new slots for technicians that produce and maintain the combine. New technologies have so far always produced new fields of work whilst... Society & Politics

+1 y

What are the pros and cons of socialism?

There are only pros to elements of socialism. Technically speaking, the government maintaining the roads, the sewage system and public schools is technically socialism, but that's because those... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you think people saying “support black owned businesses” is a racist statement?

I don't get it - the left was uppity with the word ''black'' and wanted everyone to instead say ''African American'', but now they are using black themselves? Society & Politics

+1 y

Traffic ticket quotas do NOT exist in law enforcement, so why do some people keep believing this myth?

I've heard it multiple times that you can periodically spot cops more present on the streets than normal, even if it's not a holiday or whatever. There's no reason to periodically increase... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you think tattoos should affect someone's job opportunities?

If the entirety of your face is covered then yes. It's only reasonable that any establishment/ company would want it's workers to look presentable because it reflects on the company as a whole. Society & Politics

+1 y

Why some women think, its a guys job to sit around and moap after being dumped?

Where have you heard that it's a guy's job to ''mope''? Who gave him that job, the woman who dumped him? Girl's Behavior

+1 y

How do you feel about hyper masculine women?

That's not really masculine as much as it is aggressive. Masculinity does not have to be defined in negative ways, both it and femininity are mostly positive. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

For the large portion of human history, even today in many countries, women have had limited rights and have been subservient to men. Why?

"Why did we get MORE progressive in regards to women’s treatment & rights?" More is subjective. Look at what happens in every nation that gives women unlimited rights - birth rates go down, more... Society & Politics

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