Will robots replace the police?

I'm very concerned about the development of artificial intelligence going to the point where human workers are replaced by robots.
It concerns me deeply for the following reasons, this would take away tens of millions of jobs, leaving people unable to support themselves and lacking a sense of accomplishment or purpose, leading to mass famine, suicides, and the worst poverty in history.

Another reason is that it gives far too much power to those making the robots and if they're hacked, they can be used to kill people or enforce tyrannical laws as the element of officer discretion and intimate connection with those they serve is eliminated.

This will cost a fortune unlike any we've ever seen, leading to even worse government spending, causing hyper inflation which essentially renders everyone's now stagnant cache of money completely worthless.

Lastly, technology is inherently imperfect just as humans are inherently imperfect. We've already seen a patrol robot used in California (of course) and it made people absolutely furious. It was running over kid's feet, bumping into people, not responding to people in distress, it didn't prioritize enforcement properly, and as you can see, it's about as robust as a trash can made out of lead. I'm surprised it didn't end up killing someone tbh.

Of course continued development can improve these issues, but I don't see technology ever reaching a point where it's less likely to malfunction or make a terrible decision than human officers. As someone who's wanted to be an officer for a long time and is in the process, I ask for both of our sake, don't replace us with robots, we'll both regret it dearly.

Those who don't like how police currently are may see this as a good solution, but to those people, I ask them how often their phones malfunction in any way, then imagine a malfunction with a robot entering a hostile situation, technology trips up far more than humans do, don't do this.
Will robots replace the police?
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Will robots replace the police?
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