Why do Republicans refuse to put their trust and faith in our Commander in Chief, in regards to getting vaccinated?

Why do Republicans refuse to put their trust and faith in our Commander in Chief, in regards to getting vaccinated?
(This one was inspired by a German fella on GAG... I normally don't associate with Germans, but since I'm a German American, I decided to cut him some slack :) )
For the same reason Obama didn't endorse Joey in the primaries
For the same reason Obama kept Joey locked in the closet for 8 years
For the same reason that Joey thinks he's the vice president
Because Joey left Americans stranded behind enemy lines in Afghanistan
Because Joey refused to take a cognitive ability test, because they're just too dang easy
Because, if given the choice, I'd much rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy.
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Why do Republicans refuse to put their trust and faith in our Commander in Chief, in regards to getting vaccinated?
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