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I believe the number one correlation between marriage length and marriage divorce is how high the persons tolerance for stress and boredom is. Asians come from smaller families so parents have more time to discipline their children and parental discipline increases tolerance levels in children. Another factor in low divorce is social collectivism, Chinese people come from collectivist social groups where people are viewed as parts of a whole and not independent agents. White people have a lower degree of social collectivism but they are raised in a predominantly religious culture where social collectivism is maintained for philanthropic reasons, if not biological or cultural reasons, they are also raised in a highly athletic culture which raises tolerance levels and that is why they have the second lowest divorce rate among the groups.
I'd be willing to bet that an income graph follows pretty close to same demographics. I'd be willing to bet that White and Asian incomes are higher on the avg. than black and Hispanic. I remember taking a personal finance class in college (elective just to improve my GPA which actually became very helpful for my future) and I remember the instructor impressing upon us young kids at the time that, "my problems and marriage problems are like this🤞.
Where did you get these numbers from? I think the white divorce rate is higher than that.
This is what i found:
For one thing, Black women don't take no mess -- 'You can come correct or don't bother coming'
I found this which breaks it down:
Black women married to white men has the most successful marriages.
Probably overdetermined, but economic stress is the first thing I thought of.
because they cause a lot of drama.