Have you ever broken something unintentionally that wasn't yours?

Once I was shopping it's my mother and broke a vase at a thrift store. No one noticed though and we quickly left.
Countless glasses when visiting family :D I have only mugs at home; I don't get along with glasses :D
I'm sure I have, at some point in time, but I really don't remember the details.
I did break an item accidentally, and made it good. The owner was continually saying do not worry about it, accidents happen.
I made a friend that day!!
My Ex's Heart. But in Replying to your Question, Yes. xx
I just broke something at work that I was trying to fix. It was the first time that ever happened.
Sure, I'm always breaking stuff. And I'm sorry. But if it was worth anything you should have had it insured.
Hearts! <3 Lmao.
furniture... a few, lol...
Many times. Arms are SO fragile...
Accidentally, yes.
Sure fragile things break
Well hearts and egos, if that counts.
Yup jumbo jar of pickles
I don’t recall
Yeah lol i can be a bit clumsy hehe ehhhh
Yes, it to many times
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