The subject of bruised egos


I have a whisper app because I have so many secrets, I will go stir-crazy if I don't confess them to someone. Fortunately, I think Whisper is the perfect medium for it.

So I wrote a confession and a guy was talking to me. I was talking for a while and then I lost interest in him. He kept persisting. I normally don't block because I find blocking rude.

Then I posted another whisper attaching a picture of my dress that I am planning to wear to a wedding and he messaged me again saying I look like shit, that I am a whore and a slut.


Today, I would like to talk about bruised egos.

The subject of bruised egos.

We all go through with it. It all depends on how you deal with it. Either you throw a tantrum like a kid, or deal with it like a grown-up.

The subject of bruised egos

I have been on the receiving end and dealt with people who have had bad experiences in the past, and think that I or other people will be the same. Go read some of my Takes and you will see what I am talking about. These people irritate me to the core.

1) Don't be pathetic

We all lash out at people who hurt us. Sometimes, we just need to take ourselves away from the situation and realise if it is really worth it. You should look at yourself from a 3rd party point of view and ask yourself "am I going to sound like a child?"

The subject of bruised egos

Oh and need I give you an example of recent events? Nicki is a 30 year old going after a 20 year old.

2) Accept that not everyone is going to find you attractive/interesting/worthy

The beauty with free will and human diversity is that we all can have the freedom of having different opinions. If you were living in my country (Iraq) back in the 80's, you were forced to pretend to like Saddam Hussein and were forced to have a picture of him in your household. There were constant government checks to see if every household had the picture.

I am sorry, but we aren't under YOUR dictatorship. If you would like to have an intelligent debate, then do so.

The subject of bruised egos

3) Know that as soon as you start swearing, you lose

Swearing is now used as a filler. Just like "Um". Instead of swearing, improve your argument. I admit, I have sworn at people out of frustration but it is just because of how imbecillic they were being.

The subject of bruised egos

4) Stop being bitter

So many people here and on other social media sites are so bitter, I actually get poisoned and need to go outside and get some fresh air. That boy hurt you? MOVE ON. That girl hurt you? MOVE ON. That person hurt your feelings? MOVE ON! Having a constant "stuff it" attitude could come in handy in this situation.

The subject of bruised egos

I understand that people feel comfortable with anonymity and therefore, feel free to express themselves. I have come to the conclusion that it is the only time in their lives that they can do so and couldn't be how they are online in real life. So it's alright.

Hope you have a good day.

The subject of bruised egos
13 Opinion