Things I Did Instead of Cleaning My Room as a Young Kid


Things I Did Instead of Cleaning My Room as a Young Kid
Now when waffles was young he HATED cleaning his room if you had given young waffles the choice of cleaning his room or having his brother kick him in the stomach twice, he would definitely have chosen the latter (more on this later actually). However he tried to get out of it or procrastinate in the strangest ways. I think part of this is because there was no netflix but even today getting out of cleaning my room involves little to no netflix, however some of this was too bizarre to pass up.

1. Throwing shit out of the window

Things I Did Instead of Cleaning My Room as a Young Kid

So back when I was really young my brother and I shared a bedroom on the second story, I would eventually move into the playroom when we moved that to the basement but thats another story. However when me and my brother was told to clean our rooms we would throw toys out our window. Not like a lot of them or anything, just one or two, we might throw toothbrushes out and to be honest sometimes we got in trouble, not because we could hit anyone it would just land in the grass on the side yard (we have a big sized yard) The fact is that it was just something to ignore.

Pretending to be Godzilla and ordering my brother around while calling him my peasant

Things I Did Instead of Cleaning My Room as a Young Kid

I'm not sure why I did this, I had no clue what a peasant was other than they wore medieval clothes and used farming tools. I'm not sure but we both found this hysterically funny. I'm not sure why and looking back it was weird as fuck.

Climbing inside a pillowcase and pretending to hatch from an egg

Things I Did Instead of Cleaning My Room as a Young Kid

Looking back I think the reason I was able to do this at 9 years old was because I was dangerously underweight as a kid.

Having my brother jump on my abdomen, TWICE

Things I Did Instead of Cleaning My Room as a Young Kid

I'm honestly lucky I wasn't seriously hurt. I'm not sure why I did this again, I REALLY hated cleaning my room so it probably had something to do with getting out of it. Whats even weirder as that there wasn't really any like spoken communication between me and my brother, I just kinda looked at him and he did what I wanted. It HURT a lot and I got the wind knocked out of me but I was stupid enough that I basically asked for it.

What is the weirdest thing you did as as kid to get out of cleaning your room

Things I Did Instead of Cleaning My Room as a Young Kid
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