Take Control of Your Existence!

Take Control of Your Existence!

You can't control your life, because it's part of nature and other lives, and you can neither control nature nor people. You can only control yourself, your actions, your thoughts, your feelings, intentions and morals.

As we grow and develop, we're constantly influenced by our own natural course of life, depending on the environment we grow up in which includes the type of people we connect with. Everything we go through leads us to certain emotions and intentions. We're constantly able to choose whether to go with the flow of our thoughts and emotions that ourselves develop depending on the circumstances we're experiencing, or use our well power and take control of what we think and intend, thus what we do. This choice is what makes a difference in someone's life.

It's either you let your instinct control you, or you take control of yourself; filter and guide your thoughts, thus control your feelings, redirect your intentions and improve yourself. You gotta observe your thoughts and how they affect your mood, intentions, actions and your life. You gotta prevent yourself from bringing you down because of whatever circumstances you're going through. You gotta use your mind to rise.

Thanks for reading!

Take Control of Your Existence!
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