Sociopathy: Myths And Truths


Hello everyone,

It's me again.

This MyTake is a more serious one,as may of you already know....

I have been 'temporary' diagnosed with ASPD a.k.a Anti-Social Personality Disorder a.k.a I'm a sociopath.

I'm pretty open about it and to be honest I think I'm one of the best people to talk about sociopathy since I'm brutally honest.

I've seen so many people to talk about how evil sociopaths are or how dangerous they are and in general giving wrong impression about us.

So here I'm to clear things up.

Sociopathy: Myths and Truths.

Disclaimer : There are different levels of sociopathy,I'm talking about these things from my prespective.To be specific in Russia we coun't them in levels,I'm Level 1,that's the lower level of sociopathy.

In my case ASPD 'happened' because of 2 reasons.

1)I went years under strong medication for my bipolar and borderline personality disorder that costed a part of my brain to completely stop producing the substance that makes some specific emotions happen.

2) After a serious incident,that I prefer not to talk about,that happened 2 months ago in some way I managed to subconciously help the medication to completely shut off some normal brain function that can cost similar symstoms to sociopathy,fact that made me diagnosed as a sociopath.

That means 2 things.

1)That when I stop taking medication,after some time I will be able to 'return' to 'normality' and

2)That I've expirienced the life both as a a sociopath and a normal person.

1) We Are Good Manipulations: True.

Sociopathy: Myths And Truths

We know what people want to hear from very soon,sometimes even at the second we meet them,it's something it comes natural to our head,we know that questions to ask,what things to say.

For us,since we don't have that bold emotions/feelings is easier to 'read' a person and actually see through him/her.

2) We Always Lie: False.

Sociopathy: Myths And Truths

Many sociopaths never lie,it's something we don't find to have reason to do it because we don't want to sugarcoat anything,we enjoy seeing people's real reaction to things.

YET if we decided to lie to win something,yeap we are really good actors because we don't feel bad for lying.

3) We Are Using People: Kinda?

Sociopathy: Myths And Truths

Not less or more than any other of you.

Let's admit it,every and each one of us at some point of our lives wanting it or not have used someone in order to win something else.

We are just better at it and use them in different things.

4) We don't love: False.

Sociopathy: Myths And Truths

We do love,just in our own way.

We take A LOT more time to do it and we just feel everything different,that's why people somatimes believe that we aren't able to,because even if we are madly in love we don't express it or feel it like you expect us to.

5) We don't like people: True.

Sociopathy: Myths And Truths

We don't like others,we are anti-social.

The idea of going out and meeting other people sounds extremely unpleasant to us,that doesn't mean we hate you,we just strongly dislike you.

Especially if you are clingy,emotional or too happy we just want to slap you.

6) Sociopaths and Psychopaths are the same Thing: FALSE! FALSE! FALSE!

Sociopathy: Myths And Truths

I'll just leave this here:

If you have any other question,write it in the comments and if it's good enough I'll answer.



Sociopathy: Myths And Truths
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