A Small Sociological Study, and How it Reflects Modern Society

A Small Sociological Study, and How it Reflects Modern Society

Teach men not to rape: 58% (34) women 15% (7) men

Teach women to defend themselves: 20% (12) women 51% (24) men

No Opinion: 22% (13) women 34% (16) men

59 Women total

47 men total

106 people voted total

Female majority voted for no female responsibility

Male majority voted for female responsibility

Hypothesis of proper results:

Teach men not to rape: 80% (47) women 10% (5) men

Teach women to defend themselves: 15% (9) women 85% (40) men

Analysis of the results from a sociological stand point:

Women seem entirely or mostly disinterested in taking responsibility for their own safety and would rather put that burden on men, only serving to further enhance the idea that women have the pre-programmed biological need to be defended by men. This serves very little purpose to prove the point of modern feminism. Further testing is required to determine if women answer as such because of their actual opinion or because of young age feministic brain washing. In my expert opinion I would suggest using a controlled, isolated environment and a polygraph to determine if it is a choice made properly (by impulse) or if they spend time to think about whether or not it will effect their social standing or the way fellow women regard them.

A Small Sociological Study, and How it Reflects Modern Society

Men seem almost purely interested in women taking responsibility for their own defense showing that from a sociological evolution standpoint men are further developed in the mass populous than that of women. From this small study I can deduce that men are more actively disinterested in fulfilling traditionalist gender roles than women. The questions this raises are astronomical to prove modern day feminists wrong that men are the ones oppressing women and keeping them down. I can't help but notice that a lot of women are intentionally keeping themselves down with their line of thinking and the logic or reason they put forward.

Although in typical female fashion of the modern day feminist the blame cannot be placed on women because that gives them the ability to dismiss the observation with intellectual dishonesty. Especially if the observation was made by a man.

From this study I have learned that feministic women make up the majority of the internet populace and we should remain aware of their sensibilities if we enjoy keeping our anonymity on the internet. Feminists have far too strong a stranglehold on the world wide media for us to be so aggressively fighting against their matriarchal and regressive dogmatic doctrine. We should more accept that they exist and like a school yard bully, they will eventually mature and move past their ways. Fighting it is the wrong way to handle the issues, simply put.

A Small Sociological Study, and How it Reflects Modern Society

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A Small Sociological Study, and How it Reflects Modern Society
Post Opinion