22 Things I'm Thankful For


Since today is Thanksgiving, and it's the 22nd day of November, here are 22 things I'm thankful for in my life.

1. My Family

I have an extremely close family. My family is probably closer than any other family I've came across. I'm thankful I have two incredible parents, two awesome sisters, one loving niece, three cool nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents who love me, and defend me until my grave.

2. My Country

I could make a laundry list of things to complain about with the United States of America, but at the very least, the country provides me with adequate drinking water, plenty of food, and clean-enough air to breath in. I'm thankful I'm not living in a third-world country.

3. My Job

Teaching is rough. Very rough. And I teach in a dismal school district. However, my job pays my bills, offers me unique benefits, health care, a stable retirement, and I like improving students' lives. On top of this, I get a lot of time off.

4. My Health

I have virtually no health problems. My heart, cholesterol, blood pressure are doing very well, I have perfect eye sight, perfect hearing, and I don't have any pre-risks for any diseases. I was blessed with this.

5. My Living Environment

While I often complain about being bored, I certainly live in a safe area, and there is very little to worry about for my well-being.

22 Things I'm Thankful For

6. Sports

I don't know what I would do if I didn't have football, baseball, basketball, hockey, or even other odd-ball sports to watch, and engage in. Let's go Bengals/Reds/Pacers/Blue Jackets!

22 Things I'm Thankful For

7. Female Humans

Aside from the fact that women are statistically the better gender for a number of reasons, they're also amazing to look at, and engage in intimacy with. Let's give a hand for the female sex!

22 Things I'm Thankful For

8. The Internet

The internet is the best evil to ever exist. While it does have its negative affects, it has saved me so many times, and has provided me some good entertainment on my most lonely, and boring nights.

22 Things I'm Thankful For

9. Workers

It's that simple. Whether you're a minimum wage worker, lower-middle class worker, middle to upper-class worker, doctor, lawyer, sex worker, etc., you're valuable to society, and society wouldn't exist without you.

10. My Religion

While Christianity can be used for the wrong reasons, I personally believe in God, and my faith allows me to vent to him, and I feel better believing in God.

11. Freedom

I'm not here to debate whether the USA, or first-world countries are truly free. I get it. But when I research countries such as North Korea, China, and other dictated dungeons, I feel blessed to have the freedoms I do have.

12. Scenery

The world is so beautiful. Whether it's a snowy mountain, a grassy mountain, an ocean, a lake, a river, a desert, or any other unique landscape, life is beautiful.

22 Things I'm Thankful For

13. Books

I love to read, whether it's a novel, a short-story, a poem, an informational book, an editorial-you name it.

22 Things I'm Thankful For

14. Music

...makes the people, come together, yeah...I love virtually any genre of music. Even though music is nowhere near on the caliber it used to be, I still listen to music daily.

15. Girlsaskguys.com

This is a bit cheesy, but I'm thankful this website exists, and it's a great outlet for me.

16. My talent

I'm a "jack-of-all-trades" type of person. I'm not a master at anything, but I'm slightly above average when it comes to almost anything.

17. Politicians

They remind us that we're not as bad as we think we are, and make us feel better about ourselves.

18. Animals/Other Life Forms

The only true innocent beings on this planet. I love the variety of animals we have!

22 Things I'm Thankful For

19. Food

I'm a food lover, and a former food-addict. Food can be deadly, but it's also so delicious.

20. Clothes

We're very lucky to have clothing to keep us warm.

21. Medical Science

Always finding us new ways to live longer.

22. Life

That's right: I'm thankful to be alive in the first place, and you should be too.

22 Things I'm Thankful For
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