Pieces of wisdom


This is an alternate version of the take "8 Common Sayings That Are Bullshit".

The sayings there are:
1. Just be yourself and people will love you.
2. Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
3. Money can't buy happiness.
4. It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile.
5. There's a pot for every lid.
6. Love your enemies.
7. Everything happens for a reason.
8. There are plenty of fish in the sea

My alternate versions:
1. Be the person you liked to find.
2. Dream big, but act in the now.
3. People says money is egoist only because that's how they use it.
4. Who trolls you liked you to succeed.
5. Weirdos can easily be liked by weirdos.
6. People either want the same as you, or they don't.
7. What is hard is what is most needed to be learned.
8. Success isn't a one shot, but a tendency.

Pieces of wisdom

Picture: (CC0-1.0) George Hodan

Text: (CC-BY-SA-4.0) Alberto Salvia Novella (es20490446e.wordpress.com)

Pieces of wisdom
2 Opinion