7 Simple Reasons to Wake Up Every Day


7 Simple Reasons to Wake Up Every Day

Let's be honest - everyone sometimes has those days when they just can't force themselves to wake up. For some people, pretty much every day is like that, some people can't find any reason to wake up, get out of bed because of depression or something else. I'm no psychologist, I can't teach anyone to wake up happy and be excited to be alive but I can give you some extremely simple and kind of obvious reasons to wake up every day. Sometimes the simple things in life are the most enjoyable. So here are 7 reasons to wake up every day:

7 Simple Reasons to Wake Up Every Day

1. Eating the foods you want

Food is love, food is life. Everyone loves food. Everyone is familiar with the orgasmic feeling of eating some really yummy food. Food is definitely something to look forward to every day. Just eat whatever you want, whatever makes you happy.

7 Simple Reasons to Wake Up Every Day

2. Watching that new episode

Don't deny it - you know you really want to find out what will happen next on that amazing TV show you love. Watch TV shows, just do it, it's good for your soul and doesn't even take much effort. Or don't.. if it's not your thing.

7 Simple Reasons to Wake Up Every Day

3. Kissing your pet

If your pet can't make you happy, I don't even know what possibly could. Whether it's a doggy, a kitty cat or a snake - give some love to them and you'll definitely receive some love back.

7 Simple Reasons to Wake Up Every Day

4. Playing those unfinished games

There seems to be quite a lot of gamers on GAG so this seems to be a good enough reason, right? You're playing those games for a reason, so fully immerse yourself in those games with no shame! If it makes you feel good.

7 Simple Reasons to Wake Up Every Day

5. Talking to people you like

There's nothing better than those long conversations that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Or the conversations that make you laugh your ass off. In real life or on-line, doesn't really matter. There are billions of people on this planet, even if you don't have anyone to talk to, you can always find someone who you like. Especially on the internet.

7 Simple Reasons to Wake Up Every Day

6. Enjoying the quiet

Who doesn't love the quiet, peaceful evenings at home? Enjoy them if you can get them. There's almost something magical about sitting in a room with dimmed lighting, drinking tea, reading a good book.

7 Simple Reasons to Wake Up Every Day

7. Going to sleep

Afterall, sleep is amazing. When you wake up, just think about that moment late at night when you'll be back in your comfy, perfect bed. Look forward to it. The fact that you know sooner or later you'll be able to return to your bed is the thing that doesn't make waking up that hard.

Most importantly - find YOUR OWN reason to wake up every day, whatever it is. Look for the one thing that motivates you to live life every day.


7 Simple Reasons to Wake Up Every Day
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