Why isn't my friend answering her phone?

I tried calling her like six times and texted her 10 times but my friend (let's call her Kerry) won't answer.
After school, us four girls were having a fun time. Then Kerry started crying. Her father passed away a month ago. She's still struggling and I'd thought she be over that by now. My friend (let's call her Sydney) and I had enough of her and fed up with her depression. I told her firmly, "Look Kerry, I know it's been hard since your daddy passed away but you have got to get it together! We're having a fun time and you just started crying. That's not right." Kerry was crying so much and I grabbed her should and said, "Pull yourself together! People can see you. Death is part of life. People die and your dad didn't leave the world for you to be unhappy. We're born, live, and die and your dad would want you to mourn on him all the time. Quit crying!" Then Sydney told her to suck it up and move on with her life.
Everyone was looking at her and it was embarassing.

Then at the park, I threw Kerry's Dallas Cowboys teddy bear that her dad have her at her. Then Sydney and I got fed up and annoyed by her and chanted "Crybaby" at her. Linda got mad at us and called us nasty horrible girls and comforted Kerry and took her home.
Kerry is being such a bitch and not answering her phone. I'm just going to ignore her and s to inviting her to things. Sidney told me Kerry is ignoring her too. Why is Kerry ignoring us.
Why isn't my friend answering her phone?
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