Boyfriend threw out his back, how can I help?

Last night, my boyfriend (24) came home yesterday complaining his back was sore from work (he works as a maintenance man in a hotel) and I hate seeing people I love in pain so I offered to run him a hot shower and make him something to eat for when he got out... I went to start the water so it could warm up and I saw the only insect that I'm absolutly petrified of: crickets. I know its silly, but I've always been terrified of them. I screamed and jumped onto the counter and my boyfriend came rushing in. He immediately saw the cricket and took a little cup he keeps in the bathroom just for this and bent to pick it up so he could go toss it outside (he doesn't kill things) and when he did he said he felt like a 'pop' in his mid and low back. Niether one of us heard it, but he was struggled to stand upright and walk to tossed the cricket. He took an ibuprophan and put a heating pad on his back and went straight to bed. He' been in a lot of pain since then and he can hardly stand up an I have to help him walk and do things. I feel terrible that he got hurt. I'm taking on the roll of care taker until he 100% better... is there anyway to help him get better?
Boyfriend threw out his back, how can I help?
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