Apartment hunting : the higher the rent the less riff raff? Agree or disagree?

Don't mention a house right now. Yes, I want a house but I am very particular when it comes to that. So im moving around to see what areas suit me best. For example, I wanted to buy a house in my current neighborhood when I initially moved here but now the neighborhood has changed and I'm glad I didn't.

Certain areas don't change for the worse their value remains high.
Apartment hunting : the higher the rent the less riff raff? Agree or disagree?
Apartment hunting : the higher the rent the less riff raff? Agree or disagree?
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Things go on any and everywhere you go. Based on reviews of more expensive apartments i do see issues but not anything ALARMING just typical apartment stuff like maintenance was late, the office called too late, or my rent went up, Bob didn't turn on the sprinklers, gym equipment needs updating. Now the apartments with riff raff riff raff have alarming things like drugs being sold, weed smell in the
1 y
weed smell in the breeze ways, gun shots are alarming. So there is a major difference
Apartment hunting : the higher the rent the less riff raff? Agree or disagree?
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