Would you take a bribe in order to fix a problem that it can't be solved other way?

Would you take a bribe in order to fix a problem that it cant be solved other way?

Knowing is politically and morally incorrect but by accepting or agreeing to take a bribe you know is the only only way to fix a problem that had been hunting you for years and years and as the time passes by the problem still is not fix and suddenly there is a way of solving it for once and for all but it comes in a form of a bribe, Would you do it?

There is an issue in my family regarding some land (lots) that had been hunting them for years and years like more than 15 years with no solution at all. My aunts (the ones with a problem) are already elder people and they are not getting any younger and we dont know how much longer they can live, they want now to stop fighting over the issue, enjoy life with the money they could receive if some lots are sold legally, they want to solve the problem as soon as possibel or at least in the process of getting the problem fixed. I have some autns that as they way they are raised and one of them are very Christian and anotehr one is very moral, probably they won't accept at all that in order to fix the probelm they had been having for years they have to agree on the bribe by paying some guy under the table so this guy (who works in a governmental office) can authorize something but the only requierement this guy accepts to help them and to relieve them from this eternal problem is to pay him a certain amoutn of money off the record.

But in order for this guy to help he only requires one condition from my aunts, that all sisters, with no exception who are members of the same LLC, agree he is paid in that way for his services and if he helps my aunts are one problem free. A problem that they had had for more than 15 years and the problem still is there. Two of my aunts are very moral and

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Christian and im sure they will say like "that is immoral there has to be anotehr way to fix it," but the thing is that there is NO otehr way to fix it, it had been tried before and no solution, and im sure they will say no, but that is the condition this guy put, he said it ALL sisters must agree and stay silent that they will pay a bribe, otherwise if they say something to anyone, my own aunts even will their nephew into some legal problems and the guy also into trouble, so everything needs
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so everything needs to be done in hush hush.
Would you take a bribe in order to fix a problem that it can't be solved other way?
Post Opinion