2.3K opinions shared on Other topic. Good question. I think it's generally true.
I have a theory.
In more primitive times, women would fetch water and gather around the well, or gather at the river to wash clothes, or sit together while making clothing or process food. They did it to get away from men and chat among themselves and also for security.
They would share observations, gossip, information, experiences, secrets, and talk about children, men's behavior, sex, and women's issues.
Women are communal.
When men weren't working, they gathered to drink, smoke, relax and be merry. They talked about things that interested them like work, money, beautiful women, entertainment and politics, but not so much about human behavior.
As the species evolved, women learned how to be very observant. Noticing body language helps them to notice threats, competition, and bad behavior.
And because they couldn't rely upon physical strength, they became more cunning and subtle. They learned how to attract men with appearance and body language instead of overt action that would threaten men's egos.
They learned how to get what they wanted by appearing meek and feminine, and planting ideas in men's heads to allow men to think they came up with the ideas themselves.
Men get really pissed off when they get outsmarted by a woman. But, hey, women have to use the tools at their disposal.
Men notice body language, too, especially in anticipating threats from other men, and in noticing women's inviting looks and deportment. But men are still kind of slow when it comes to reading women.
I once read a really entertaining essay by a mother who had two teen children, a boy and a girl. She said her daughter would gather with her friends for hours to analyze everything that that had happened that day - the latest gossip, how this or that person dressed, what a particular person's body language and the expression on their face and tone of voice meant, ...
She said girls minds are like complicated computers full of cross crossing wires and flashing lights, with numerous knobs, switches and settings. They never stop processing.
On the other hand, she said boys have five emotions - happy, mad, sad, tired and hungry. LMAO.
Women are more in touch with their emotions compared to men. They trust their feelings and intuition while men suppress their feelings.
My wife agrees with me on this next example. When a woman asks a guy what he is thinking and he says "Nothing", he may literally mean "Nothing." But women distrust that because their minds are always active and they can't imagine a person thinking about nothing.
When a guy asks a woman what she is thinking and she says "Nothing" it often means that he is in trouble. Hahaha. She either thinks he should know what he did wrong or she wants him to show enough interest to sit down, have a conversation, and try to coax it out of her.
10 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 18 d
You are absolutely correct. Men are simple and women much more complex. Thank God we are different.
Now these differences do make communications a struggle sometimes.
As an example men try to fix everything that’s broke… women just want to talk about what’s broke and think of a plan (a hundred years of men NOT reading instructions hasn’t shown women that we don’t do plans).
Women want to talk about feelings, men want to talk about work (it’s all we know).
We men are very direct… we grunt food, sex, sleep… and that’s about it. Us educated men can grunt about 5 or 6 different words…. Twice that of the uneducated variety.
I jest of course…. But I do basically agree with what you are saying, just had to have some fun with it.22 Reply- 17 d
I've got a 165 IQ... I certainly don't grunt, boyo !!!
- 17 d
Normally when someone tells me what their IQ is I subtract 50-75 points from that and figure that’s where they really are.
Because if you actually had a IQ over a 100 you would understand that I was writing humor with a touch of sarcasm.
7.9K opinions shared on Other topic. We are all complicated as fuck below the surface and our mannerisms and demeanor and all that shit.
20 Reply
4.7K opinions shared on Other topic. Simple, yes, direct, very rarely. Trying to get information out of a man is like pulling teeth.
20 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
734 opinions shared on Other topic. I've been told by many, many people that I'm a very complicated man.
I've been told so not only by family, friends and co-workers, but also on up to psychologists and shrinks.
I think that I'd agree with their assessment.
Why that would be, I'm not quite sure.
It's complicated.
I do have a very strong feminine side to my personality.
I'm not femme or flamboyant at all, but I seem to have more of a mixed, masculine/feminine thought process than most men.
So I'm told, and so I also believe.
Generally speaking, among the populace at large, I'd agree that most men are simpler than women.10 Reply- 18 d
I partially agree that we are more 'direct' but not 'simple,' in the way that human beings in general are complicated. Some things require no thought at all put into it but others do require nuance and careful thinking... thats where the complication lies.
20 Reply 591 opinions shared on Other topic. Overall I think men mistakenly think women are more complicated than they are and women make the mistake of thinking men are simpler than what they are.
20 Reply738 opinions shared on Other topic. Yea men tend to be really simple, it explain why women are showing their boobs so often.
10 Reply1.8K opinions shared on Other topic. Likely.
However to me women aren't that complicated either.
At least not the crazy or delulu ones that is
10 Reply- m17 d
Pretty much, I am however a complete nightmare and fairly complicated lol.
10 Reply Yet one drink and a lot of girls just want to be fucked. Where's that fit in on your meter?
10 Reply- 16 d
In general you’re right but there are always exceptions
10 Reply - 17 d
We're so awesome ♂️ like that family guy scene "men" high fives ✋🏻
10 Reply - 18 d
In a way, yes. In other ways, no.
Men are in fact very complicated creatures.10 Reply 964 opinions shared on Other topic. I don’t know about all women but I know that I am very complicated.
20 Reply- 16 d
I agree with you, for guys it's often all or nothing
10 Reply - 17 d
That's somewhat stereotypical, but has elements of truth.
10 Reply 463 opinions shared on Other topic. Most men and women are simple and shallow.
10 Reply- 17 d
Well said, very well said! 🏆👍
10 Reply - 18 d
Generally correct.
10 Reply I think this is bullshit
10 Reply- 17 d
Agreed unfortunately
10 Reply - 18 d
Couldn't agree more.
20 Reply - 18 d
20 Reply - 11 d
I agree!
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