I have a friend who I've known over a year and some time... We began doing the deed about 3 months ago, and since then I noticed we spend more time together (i.e from hanging out a couple times a month to a couple days a week) he wants to hold hands and etc... So one time when we were doing the deed he says "Youre mine", so I'm like "What you mean?", he gives me this blank stare and says "oh hush" playfully.. So I didn't think much of it... Recently he been saying things like "I need you", or "I want you", and also " My Girl, My Girl, Your my Girl..." So I need to figure this out because I'm cool with being friends only, but for him can this be moving to be more than just friends? or is he just caught up in the moment?
+1 y
i mean I'm a little dense with these things but I gotta feeling that I just can't shake! I personally don't think I'm ready for any next step.. But I don't know I feel like he kinda hard to read so I tested him the other day and was like "Rule 1: Don't let em know where you be (work/home/etc) Rule 2: never give out real name Rule3: Hit it in split it" he says he knows all these things, so it made me wonder why am I an exception to these rules because his instagram showed him out on date with his "gf" o_O
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