Boyfriend's memory.. does it mean he doesn't care?

My boyfriend doesn't remember when it's been like 6 months or any months, if I just mention "oh you know we've been dating for -- months?" with a smile he acts like it doesn't matter. Is this normal behavior for guys to not give a damn about how many months they've been dating their girlfriend? He was in a relationship for 7 years before so he probably doesn't think of months as anything now.

Also, sometimes he'll forget how he's introduced me to some of his family, or forget if I've been out there for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner or anything and I'll have to remind him.

And lastly, recently he said "oh you met her, remember it was the Halloween before last? when we went out?" Me and him didn't know each other the Halloween before last.. not until 6 months after actually. So he confused me with a time he had with his ex. Is that a red flag? Him confusing things like this.. does it mean he doesn't really value our time together or am I making a mountain out of a mole hill?
Boyfriend's memory.. does it mean he doesn't care?
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