

Do you have any tips for avoiding dating bad men and only being in a relationship with people with moderate learning disabilities?

I'm a woman with a moderete learning disabity and i can only men with a moderete learning disabities but im have experience some men with learning disabities can be just bad boys or dispecful pigs. Some of my previous...
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Is there a point you feel too old to be dealing with relationships dramas?

These are typical dramas found among relationships: "My boyfriend/girlfriend keeps checking my cell much and accuses me of cheating when I never gave a reason to be distrusted, why". "They keep arguing over the same...
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I really don’t want to go to my “friend” graduation party…?

There's this friend of mine who used to be my best friend. We were practically inseparable, always doing everything together. But then, we had a big fight and ended up going our separate ways for almost a year. It was...
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Why does my guy friend always include me in difficult situations?

I'm heavily traumatized by my guy friend who always contacts me whenever his life is endanger and his girlfriend is the culprit. He always involves me in it and will text me and share to me the abuse his girlfriend did. I...
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Why do so many people think they know me so well when they don’t?

I’ve got a pretty face and I present as bubbly and gregarious. I make friends easily. What I’ve realised is that nearly everyone underestimates my intelligence and my kindness, probably because I allow people to see the...
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Do you believe in the law of attraction?

Will whatever we think about really happen to us one day? Do our thoughts affect our lives?
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21 h

Do you have any suggestions on how I can avoid dating and being in a relationship with some bad men but only with moderately learning disabled men?

I'm a woman with a moderete learning disabity and i can only men with a moderete learning disabities but im have experience some men with learning disabities can be just bad boys or dispecful pigs. Some of my previous...
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Do you mind sharing the same drink with someone close to you?

very close like brother and sister or partner, or bff. Personally it doesn't bother me at all if the person is very close (especially partner) he had his tongue in my mouth, I don't think a drink would be a problem.
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Select gender and age to cast your vote:
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What are you eagerly anticipating?

I am excited about getting married and having a baby some day.
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Which quote do you like the most?

I know people like this and this is so true about them:
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Guys, Advice on quiet guy?

Advice on a quiet guy! Insight appreciated Hi everyone! I need an opinion on what I should do with this guy. So like a month or two ago I was running back to my class (I’m in college) during a break because I didn’t want...
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Guys, Advice on what to do with quiet guy?

Hi everyone! I need an opinion on what I should do with this guy. So like a month or two ago I was running back to my class (I’m in college) during a break because I didn’t want to be late. While I was running this guy...
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WTF is wrong with schools?

They are not interested in protecting their students now? 12-Year-Old Takes Her Own Life After Relentless Bullying LAS VEGAS, NV – A 12-year-old student tragically took her own life after enduring relentless bullying,...
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Do men still want a family or is that too risky nowadays?

I’m asking this because of women cheating and screwing men over. If you still want kids of your own, why do you want a family even after hearing horror stories?
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