10 of My Instant Relationship Deal-Breakers

10 of My Instant Relationship Deal-Breakers

In this MyTake I am going to share what merely applies to me: Things that will instantly force me to break up with anyone in a serious and fully committed relationship, with a low chance of second thoughts but a high chance of hearing out, as I always live by the rule "think before you act". It has served me well and it will continue to do so.

Now, I'm actually a single virgin, who never touched a girl before but I can still think of things that will grind my nerves or will just not work out for me, or are just in general damaging once in a relationship. Honestly, I am not bothered by this fact but at times I can be left in wishes. It's still sometimes or maybe even often better to remain single rather than in a rushed and degrading "relationship".

Aside from the obvious and common reasons including cheating (no chance of second chance), being manipulative, lacking trust, controlling, desperation, general disrespect, often lying, mind games, on-off-relationship status and gold digging, which will make me break up for the better, I have more items than that.

These things make me break up (almost) instantly (depending on the severity of "offense"). I can break up with whoever I am in a relationship with now and wake up in the next morning like a complete new day, like nothing has changed, except I am single again like the days before I had my first relationship- alas today. Yes, I can be that "fierce" and I cannot really teach the art of it because it's just me.

Breaking up with the person in the relationship is afterwards out of my sight, out of my mind and if I am contacted again (as a way to leave any last words, that should be chosen wisely) that person will be blocked.

1. Bringing up the topic of getting married and having children.

10 of My Instant Relationship Deal-Breakers

Unless you are telling me that you are genuinely and in all honesty do not want to get married AND reproduce kids OR you are telling me that you do not care either way, I would call it an end of the line for us. We are not meant to be together then and it's natural that way.

Marriage as I see it is useless and not beneficial for me at all. If anything it is a legal scam. Besides love does not need to be proven by a piece of signed contract involving the state. My relationship and love is no one else's f'king business and especially not for the government.

I do not like children. I was one for myself and I hated every moment of it. That does not mean I hate them.

The bachelor's lifestyle fully suits me :)

Severity of offense: Zero

2. Lack of sex

10 of My Instant Relationship Deal-Breakers

Now, I understand if you aren't in the mood or are too tired or whatever killed your sex drive but I can not fully love someone without having sex. I am a male human person and I have a healthy sexual reproductive system and I have a sky high sex drive and like any animal I LOVE sex!

I see the act of having sex like a time for bonding more and intimate and just for general love making. Having sex with strangers does not seem as exciting and rewarding.

If we cannot have enough sex, then I at least expect you to be okay with my acts of masturbating to porn.

If that's not okay, then this relationship has come to an end.

Severity of offense: Zero

3. Not wanting to make the relationship to work

10 of My Instant Relationship Deal-Breakers

This goes almost without saying. What's the point of a relationship if both partners aren't putting effort in it? This relationship is futile.

If there is a problem for you or me, then we both have a problem and it's up to us to fix it.

Severity of offense: Zero

4. Lack of privacy

10 of My Instant Relationship Deal-Breakers

I need some sense of privacy and just general me time. I have nothing to hide but being more controlled is damaging. The me time is essential for myself as it provides me with tranquility and makes room for my important further life paths and taking impacting decisions.

I also have accounts like many people have. My email address and other online accounts are only for me. I will not share my passwords to ANYONE. These accounts are my personal accounts. And I expect the same from my partner.

I may grant occasional in-look if needed or wanted into my accounts for my partner but the access to it remains only for me.

Breaching privacy indicates trust issues and insecurity. I am no fan of being stalked on. It's creepy!

Severity of offense: Low

5. Fighting, conflicts and screaming

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10 of My Instant Relationship Deal-Breakers


Why are you even my girlfriend if you cause unnecessary discomfort and drama?

I cannot stand constant fights and screaming! I'm the kind to be laid back and relaxed and solve problems in all calmness. Screaming at me like it would influence something will not only make me temporarily deaf with ringing ears but also break the glasses on the windows (not literally, maybe you get where that comes from :) ).

Screaming won't change the method what I will do as compared to just telling me. If anything, only disharmony and discord is being created.

Severity of offense: Moderate

6. Being a political extremist/religious fanatical and trying to change me
10 of My Instant Relationship Deal-Breakers

Hear me out!

Believing in a god, following a religion, praying, owning religious stuff and similar things, that do not interfere with the relationship or with me or other atheists is fine.

Asking me about my beliefs, view on the world, whether I am interested or not in it, political stance and I will give you a piece of my own mind in all sincerity. You literally asked for it.

Repeated attempts to convert me despite my unwillingness and fanatically coming up with it to me or other atheists in narrow minded approaches and I will have to leave you for someone, who is just as much of a zealot as you are.

If you are trying to change me despite me not wanting to then your efforts are fruitless. I am 100% me. Take me or leave me.

Severity of offense: Moderate

7. Being traditional with gender roles / opposing gender equality

10 of My Instant Relationship Deal-Breakers

Now, now. What I mean by that is not, that you should not wear whatever you want be it skirt or covering you up.

I despise the idea of gender roles. We did not choose our sex and we live with whatever comes with it. I prefer to be free from gender-related stuff and the same applies for age. I enjoy eating cornflakes with milk and watching My Little Pony. Why? Because I can and because I love it.

Just because I am a man and you are a woman doesn't mean anything. We are in fact biologically different but being treated equal is a must for me. I want a partner, not a servant/master. Neither gender should be inferior to another ever.

I take violence against men by women going unpunished very seriously! If this keeps going on unpunished then we will develop a habit, that makes it seem like it's normal when it's not.

I am also concerned about women lacking rights in some countries such as the right for a driving license.

However there is unfortunately almost nothing I can do to improve the situations. Nevertheless violence and lacking rights for each gender is simply wrong!

And if you are trying to get away with things because you're female, you're out. More on that on point 8.

Severity of offense: Moderate to high

8. Being generally disrespectful or discriminating or violent

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If I see you being disrespectful to the others if they didn't provoke you in any way (unless it's an act of old revenge or a humorous response or being satire) - You're dropped.

If I see you discriminating against someone else for literally anything including age, race, gender, belief, status, skin color, hair color, eye color, relationship count, education... - You're dropped.

Nobody should be hitting anybody at all! While retaliation as an act of self defense is OK, hitting somebody else and not expecting to be hit back or having a following consequence of it will lose all my respect for you.

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I do not want someone like you in my life.

Severity of offense: High

9. Incredible stupidity

10 of My Instant Relationship Deal-Breakers

I don't like stupid people. Stupid may be subjective to everyone. For me, you have to possess at least a solid portion of common sense and being able to think at least a little logically.

You do not need to know algebra.

You do not need to know history.

You do not need to know chemistry.

You do not need to know physics.

Although if you know any of these, it's still better.

You only have to be able to be intellectual and be willing to partake in science of your own choice.

Just do not be an idiot.

Severity of offense: Depends.

10. Being not serious about the relationship

You really have to be a responsible person for yourself.

How am I supposed to take you seriously if all you do is laugh everything off when something is not funny?

Why are you not listening to me?

Why are you not being considerate?

Why are you not saying what's wrong when you are in fact upset about something (silent treatment)?

Why are you avoiding me when we have agreed to have a serious talk at that schedule?

Are you even aware of what you are saying or doing at all?

What's the point of you being with me?

You are not ready for a serious relationship then.

Severity of offense: Depends.

Basically that's it.

Peace out!

10 of My Instant Relationship Deal-Breakers
15 Opinion