Dear Delusional Guys: Not Every Girl's Ulterior Motive is To Destroy You

Dear Guys: Not Every Girl's Ulterior Motive is To Destroy You

I'm not sure when this started happen but it seems as if every guy on the face of the earth believes something...utterly absurd. I mean, so illogical and irrational that it makes me worry that the entire male species has gone off the deep end.

Looking around GaG (and elsewhere online in other communities), it has become painfully obvious that guys are accusing women of just about everything. Guys whine all the time even when they don't call it "whining" but this has reached a fever pitch and it's starting to become worrisome. I'm well aware of the imbalances in today's society but the rash generalizations are just insane; walking around saying, "I'm giving up on women," or, "all women are out to stomp on a man's throat" is not only insulting to most females, it's also scary.

I find it terribly ironic that men complain they're in an impossible position when it comes to sexual harassment accusations (in other words, if a man is accused, he has no defense and the woman is always in the right), but then they just get more hostile. Being more hostile isn't going to make us feel any more comfortable around you, you morons. It's only going to make us even more wary of what you might do, especially when we read some of the hateful things you post online. You're only driving the wedge between the sexes even deeper.

Dear Delusional Guys: Not Every Girl's Ulterior Motive is To Destroy You

Yeah, I know. Tons of guys have been screwed over in divorce court. I know guys who say they're constantly being rejected, and how they're always getting the short end of the stick. I understand all that and as I said above, things are out of whack. I admit women have a significant edge right now in terms of how our society is structured, and I'm not one of those feminazis who say idiotic things like, "yeah, women should be above men because men were above women for so long!" I'm not a hypocrite; I don't believe in "eye for an eye" and I don't believe in punishing a guy because his grandfather might've sexually harassed his secretary at work, in a time when that was perfectly acceptable to do so.

But I reserve the right to be insulted when guys lump me in with such women. And yeah, it's frightening to know how many men are saying these awful things about women...I'm always worried about meeting one on a dark street somewhere. You're not making things any easier for us to accept you, guys. This behavior is only making everything worse, don't you get that? Or are you really just a bunch of cowards and are afraid to make commitments and take responsibility?

Dear Delusional Guys: Not Every Girl's Ulterior Motive is To Destroy You

I'm sure that'll rile people up but it's a perfectly plausible explanation, and certainly more logical than "all women are evil." No, not all women are out to destroy your lives, guys, and in fact, I dare say that a very tiny percentage have any interest in crushing men. Most women - the overwhelming, vast majority - would very much like to have a nice man in their lives, and that's it. Guys are bitching about how they can't find any nice girls, about how all girls seem to play these games and are superficial and have the ulterior motives. You really think girls aren't thinking similar things about guys? How long have we women been worried that EVERY guy is only in a relationship for sex?

If you men are going to scare us with your bitterness, and you're not even willing to admit that you might be a TAD nuts when you start all your sentences with "all women are...", then yeah, you're going to be alone. And you deserve to be alone. On the other hand, if you just want act normal and live in reality for a few minutes, you might be very pleased at the results. :)

Dear Delusional Guys: Not Every Girl's Ulterior Motive is To Destroy You
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