10 Reasons a Guy Might Ignore a Girl

10 Reasons a Guy Might Ignore a Girl

I have seen a lot of posts from girls on GaG recently asking questions about random guys, guys that have a crush on them, and boyfriends all of a sudden ignoring them. Here is an explanation with 10 reasons why that may be.

1. He has a crush on you and is purposely ignoring you because he can't handle it.

This one is me. When we like a girl, we try to talk to her and spend time with her and when we are not, we replay the times we were in our heads and pick out what could have gone better, what to say next, etc. Guys can feel bad about what happened, want to avoid the girl because he is shy and afraid of saying something stupid, so he puts a wall up. He tells himself he may talk to you later. This wall is very weak, however, with very little persuasion and persistence, you girls can knock it down.

2. He has a crush on you and wants to get over it.

Some guys pick up quickly that things are not working. They stay away so that they can get over you. Respect this, please.

3. He is your boyfriend and wants some space .

Some guys can feel really smothered by their girlfriends. Or, maybe you said something to offend him or a family member or friend. Either way, it is probably nothing personal, give him some space and talk about it later. There is the possibility that he has had enough of the relationship and wants to break up, don't crowd him or you could make it worse. Really. If he is going to break up, he is going to break up.

4. He is a friend/someone you have a crush on/family and is just moody.

Guys can get moods and personal issues just like girls, don't let it bother you. Don't chase him. I remember there was a girl that liked me, we were friends and my sister said she was all sad because I was not devoting all my time to her and teasing. I was tired, had a headache, and was having one of my quiet days. Sometimes guys are alive one day and dead the next for various reasons. Maybe his favourite uncle died. The good thing to remember is that you can sit back and wait for him and he is not expecting you to get emotionally involved like girls do.

5. He has got the wrong end of the stick on something you have done/is angry/is nervous and is keeping his distance.

Maybe you two had a quarrel, maybe he thinks you like another guy, maybe he is afraid of one of your friends. Follow what I said for 3. Talk later.

6. He is trying to annoy you because he does not like you anymore.

Give him space, you do not deserve a guy that is going to mess with you. Let him.

7. He likes you/is your boyfriend/friend and is expecting you to run to him and be all jealous/respect him more.

Make of it what you want. Maybe something has happened between you two that makes him insecure about his power in the relationship and he is just playing games.

If he controls the conversation, then that in a weird way can make him feel better.This is especially true if his crush likes to play games and toy with him. "She is not going to get ME!" he says. I did this to a girl I liked and regretted it. I had an advantage where i was like one of the few guys she knew in the situation, she came up to me and started talking and I just knew from her body language that she was flirting, I all of a sudden felt surrounded by her... I feel so stupid for quickly answering and then talking to another friend...

8. He is just a snot.

Guys can just be buttheads sometimes, think they are above others, etc. Just leave him alone. You can tell if he thinks he is superior by the way he treats you.

9. He has other interests besides you.

He may be a game addict, spend a long time in the bathroom preparing, be busy, etc. Give him some space.

10. He went deaf, dumb, and blind overnight.

Hey, it happens.

To conclude, these are just the main reasons. Guys do like space so don't worry about it too much. Their world is less emotionally paranoid than girls.

10 Reasons a Guy Might Ignore a Girl
17 Opinion