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Did the Lock down improve your love life?

Did the Lock down improve your love life?

During the lock down, people stayed at home and most especially couples. This time gave them the opportunity to interact more, express themselves, and show more love. Although there were reports of increase in domestic violence during the lock down, this probably came from couples that were not originally in love. It was a good time according to the confession of so many couples. Work stress usually prevented a lot of couples from having time for themselves. This was also a good time to settle differences that existed prior before now. Overall from my experience this was a good time for couples to improve their love life. For couples who were far apart, it was a good time to call and stay on the phone for long hours. Nothing exposes weakness and strength than staying together. A lot of these were brought to lime light, so the virus had a down side, it had a positive side also because it united families more. For the singles it was boring as they missed work and colleagues who kept them connected.

Did the Lock down improve your love life?
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