Blocked By Someone You’ve Never Spoken To? Here May Be 5 Reasons Why


Hey, what is up GaG? It’s your boy MoF here, just wanted to put together a funny Take inspired by some folks who were talking to me about how this puzzles them and kinda asked if I could write about it. So I said, hey, why the hell not. For me it doesn’t really matter, and I’ve written about blocking before, but I do know there are folks out there who are puzzled or even troubled by the particular fact that they have been blocked by someone they have never once even talked to, kissed, petted their dog, whacked the pussy, or pissed on their lawn.

But hey, if there’s any answers I might possibly be able to provide for you folks out there, I got no problem doing something a little different and breaking out the storytime for our class. So, eyes up, phones down!

You said something they find offensive

In some instances, I think some people block you who have never once even spoken to you or answered any of your questions because they feel that you as a user are offensive or have said things that got them in their feelings. They’ve commonly seen you and your answers, comments, etc. around a social forum and don’t like you as a user or what you say. Maybe you talk a lot about pounding that ass, proclaimed your undying love for Trump, have said black people love watermelon and fried chicken (M,m!), said something sexist, etc. So they want to ‘block you out.’ They have that right, they can do what they want. Maybe those people really are pigs, but eh, I can live with them.

Blocked By Someone You’ve Never Spoken To? Here May Be 5 Reasons Why

Personally I think that if you are ever blocking someone for reasons like this you are showing the very opposite of what you think is smart, tough, whatever. It obviously means you give a person power over you to do this and you let them get to you. And also, they should know that the Internet is going to be full of people, aliens, ideas, words, etc. that are not always going to be sweet, nice, or what we all want to hear. So if you’re blocking people you’ve never met because you find them offensive, you’re going to end up sending a lot of people to blocker’s prison.

But, to answer this for some people, this can be a very likely reason you have been blocked by someone you’ve never even spoken to.

They might actually know you

Might seem crazy but never say never! If twins can grow up to marry another set of twins, and each couple has more twins, I think the likelihood of someone blocking you because they know you isn’t entirely impossible…I think.

A more Twilight Zone-ish situation, but probably not that common, is someone may have blocked you without ever communicating with you on a platform is because they recognize you and blocked you so you won’t ever talk to them or see them. They might know you personally and if you have your picture up, they know who you are and don’t want you to see or talk to them. Or they may even possibly identify you by things you say or the way you write, and they just know that no one else does it as blood curdling as your boss, or as poetically sweet as the girl in the billing office.

Blocked By Someone You’ve Never Spoken To? Here May Be 5 Reasons Why

What is their reason? Maybe you’re a co-worker and they just became a new user to a site and they see you but don’t really want to interact with you and they don’t want you to know they’re also on it, which could be understandable for sites like GaG and others. Maybe she sucked your dick in L.A., or was dating you but then ghosted, and she recognizes you but doesn’t want you to see her. Maybe he cheated on his wife/girlfriend by pounding you and it got really messy (messy!😈), and now he sees that you are also on this site and wants to make sure you don’t ever come into contact with him again. They have now just made sure that can never happen.

They want you to notice and hope it gets to you

Planet Earth is a sick place full of narcissists, vampires, and zombies so don’t be surprised that there might actually be people with the menacing intent of blocking you in the hopes that you will notice and that it will get to you. And they will want you to wonder why and never figure it out. Or they may even think by blocking you that you will figure out why. Or even care. But if we never even spoke, I don’t think I’m gonna get the memo on that one.

Blocking is usually passive-aggressive, and blockers do want it to get to you, so the worst thing you can do is let it bother you. Don’t give people power over you, it’s what they want.

They got the wrong person

Now this really has happened to me before. Yeeeeears ago when I used to be on the now dead and defunct forum Experience Project, I actually used to ask friends of mine if they could contact members who blocked me to find out why (Hey, I was 21 at the time, gimme a break!).

Blocked By Someone You’ve Never Spoken To? Here May Be 5 Reasons Why

Believe it or not, this occultic Internet magic I used of contacting the dead through friends often did result in the person who blocked me to unblock me. A few times my friends would get blocked by some people too for reaching out to them on my behalf but, hey, you win some you lose some.

Having said that, there were some instances where the person who blocked me got it all wrong and thought I was someone else they had a beef with. Literally they would be like, “I blocked you because you kept spamming my questions with stuff about butt sex/I blocked you because you’re friends with so and so,” and I would be like, “Uhhhhhh, no. You got that all wrong.” After explaining this to them, they unblocked me. A few of them even added me and we became friends.

So don’t be surprised. Some people are selective readers, not paying attention to everyone they’re seeing or talking to and block you by mistake. It does happen. You may have an avatar or even a username that is similar to someone else’s, so in the other person’s attention-deficit brain they think you’re the person they’re after, and drop the wall on you.

Their female friends asked them to block you

This is super common, and is one of the popular forms of Internet bullying. I used to experience this frequently myself eons ago on other sites. If there is a female on there who hates your guts, kidneys, and spleen and you have actually sparred with them or had disagreements, she will literally go through the motions of asking - or even trying to manipulate - her weak-minded friends to also block you, even if they’ve never associated with you.

Blocked By Someone You’ve Never Spoken To? Here May Be 5 Reasons Why

Guys are part of this problem too and if they worship the ground a girl walks on (and her menstrual blood too), they will very easily let her tell them to block someone they’ve never met either. People talk about other users in DMs all the time, and one of the biggest things they do is encourage each other to go against another user, and chicks are narcissisticly famous for this. So if you’re ever wondering why that person you never met blocked you, this can be a reason why.

We hope you enjoyed this post

So I hope these answered your burning question for the folks out there who are puzzled or tearful about this unfortunate event. If you feel that this Take was helpful in any way, please leave your comments below and don’t forget to take our quick 5 minute survey and possibly have a chance to win a GaG trip to Hawaii! That’s all for now.

Namaste, and good luck.


Blocked By Someone You’ve Never Spoken To? Here May Be 5 Reasons Why
33 Opinion