What to do if my girlfriend is acting distant?

My girlfriend and I go to separate schools and have been together 5 months. Ever since we started seeing eachother we have spent pretty much every weekend together and some days during the week where I would go visit her and she'd come visit me. I had finals last week so I'm on summer break now, and she has finals this week and next. This weekend she is coming home but has told me she doesn't think she is going to have any time for me because she has to study (apparently study for 3 days straight?). This and the fact that she not once asked me to come up to see her during the week this week (her school is only 20mins away) makes me think she is pulling away. Why wouldn't she want to put aside her studies for an hour or two to see me? I mean if I were in her shoes I'd be making time for her or making an excuse to see her.

I haven't talked to her about this and don't think I will. Instincts tell me if she is acting distant that I should act as distant if not more. Help!!!
What to do if my girlfriend is acting distant?
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