My boyfriends sister doesn't like me?

I have been with my boyfriend for over two years and have had issues with his sister. I have done everything in my power to reach out and form a bond with her. I have bought her gifts on every occasion, offered to take her to her friends houses and other places, and even have taken her side in arguments against my boyfriend when I believed he was in the wrong. Over Time her negativity towards me has been building and even after everything I have not once hurt her, insulted her, degrade her, or done anything to hurt her in anyway how. This past weekend she got in my face and told me I was a bitch in front of her entire family and said I treat her brother like shit when I do not. Nobody else in her family agreed with her which really set her off. During the altercations I had called her out and said when have I ever given you a reason to not like me and she sat their and couldn't say anything back. There were some altercation between her and her brother and she tried twisting the story saying I didn't help her which was a lie. In her version of the story she tried painting me as the villain as she apparently has been for the past year due to both her parents and her brother telling me all she does is talk bad about me in their home when Im not there and they never agree with her on any of it. now everything has come to a head and I even tried being the bigger person and apologizing at the end of the day but even my boyfriend and his father agreed I have done nothing wrong to her. I would just like to know at this point what I have done to her and why she hates me and if im even able to fix any of it. Because I have tried my hardest to do everything in my power to have a bond with her but she just flat hate me.
My boyfriends sister doesn't like me?
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