What >LOVE< means to you and your understanding of it?

Love is CHOOSING to be together. Many think love is this magical thing where all your problems go away, to an extent it's true. You should go for someone you feel a strong connection with. After those first few months the attraction will die down a bit and reality will set in.
Love is being able to work together and make sacrifices together. It won't be easy forever, surviving hardships in a relationship and sticking together is love (this does not apply to cheating, at least for me)
Love is intimacy and a next step in life. Love is Understanding someone as they understand you.
Love is allowing flaws to grow into strengths.
Love is acceptance and peace.
Love is home
I'm not into the Hollywood style of dramatic love or over-exaggerations. To me, love is just really really liking another human being. Either romantically love, or just platonic family love or love of "I love brands" or I "I love you, food name" mmmm 😋😋 but nope, I'd never want "lovey Dovey romantic love." Too much.
Just to be a really really like into a woman, but love would always be love but not cringey mushy love. I'd still say the word and she would also but, you know... just not in a cringey aura 😁
I guess nobody wants a clingy clinger. But nobody wants someone aloof/distant either 🥰
But for others, if they want lovey dovey, then power to them 🙂🙂🙂
i think love is a feeling or emotion most accurately described in a dictionary...
" a strong affection" or attraction to another person. in paper dictionary before digital manipulation for agendas.
defining love as "sexual attraction" gets tangled with i "love my mom or daughter" oops, so just strong affection.
I didn’t ask to get a dictionary, I ask for your opinion of what you understand love is
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