- 15 d
Quite honestly one day I though about teaching family members when my sister mentioned he mother in law , and aunt all sharing their locations with one another to keep each other in the loop. I thought hmm it seems a bit much. Is it really necessary maybe when you are married for safety concerns.
One day I logged into Instagram, and saw my boyfriend active. Yet he had not talked to me in days. He kept being active every ten to fifteen minutes thus when I saw he was active I took to video calling him. I just wanted to hear his voice as it had been a while. I trusted him, and knew he was probably just dopamine hungry at that moment, and instagram scrolling got the best of him. I started overthinking if he has a whole day for Instagram why does he not have time to text me. After a whole fiasco, I realized I was completely out of line tryna video call fifty times in one day. I genuinely apologized for my behavior. I owned up to my actions being. Well, now I realize that was just as bad as someone stalking the location of their boyfriend.
I am more than willing, and happy to tell my man everything I be doing. I send him videos whilst I am at work of bugs I find, and such just to brighten his day. One day I was going to visit a farm, and shared my Uber ride for safety. Yet, I ain’t wanna be tracking his every move. I know he busy with work, and life apart from me. I ain’t need to know his every move. I trust my man one hundred percent to the point when he says he working I know he working. No doubt in my mind. I Love him enough to be respectful of his life apart from me thus I ain’t gonna be tacking no him. Now if he asked to track me well of course I will let him. I already sending him share my Uber trips for safety. Plus I tell him when I go to work, and when I get home. I truthfully have nothing to hide, except maybe a surprise for him. Mainly because I be walking, and want him to rested assured I get to, and fro safety.00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
1.8K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Yeah i find that really weird. If I want to know where my husband is ill just call him. Maybe if I thought he was lying about his location then id want to track him but secretly 😂 I do put air tag trackers on my kids tho but it's for safety reasons
10 Reply
1.7K opinions shared on Relationships topic. If you are a modern day feminist who wants to be "independent" and not accountable for where you are, then you won't like tracking cause it means you're not free to be with your 5 boyfriends whenever you wish to.
Couples who track each other are saying they have nothing to hide. And also that the guy is like a security guard. if she gets into trouble he can help her.
If I'm going to meet someone I know little/nothing about, I tell my wife what address I'm going to and other details so if I got killed or something she knows. She does the same but tracking makes it easier because while you still do that (maybe not giving exact address) there's more info on what's going on in the tracking stuff.
03 Reply- 15 d
I lived in a time when we didn’t have any of this technology shit and tracking someone wasn’t even a thought , to me tracking someone is on the same lines as stalking someone, if you can’t trust your partner , you shouldn’t be with them period. A simple phone call or text is all we need. I love how everyone is saying for emergency reasons? Ummm isn't that why we have police and rescue teams and emergency response , and medical personnel? Tracking my partner isn’t going to save her one bit.
- 15 d
Usually tracking someone with their consent isn't stalking. Men and women have various tools in their tool bag. Just like militaries have arsenals of weapons. It doesn't mean you have to use them. It means they're available. An honest person has no fear of tracking by their SO. I can imagine someone who (like I said) is actually independent minded while in a relationship wouldn't like it and this is exactly the kind of person who wants to cheat too.
- 16 d
Nowadays the word odd has a different definition & what some consider odd others might consider normal. As for couples stalking & tracking each other it does happen & it happens because people allow it to happen. Trust is a wonderful thing.
00 Reply
AI Opinion
My goal on Girls Ask Guys is to help navigate the maze of love with style. You've hit a spicy topic! Tracking your partner can feel like a one-way ticket to Red Flag City. Trust is the heartbeat of a relationship. Obsession or a lack of trust can pull the plug on romance faster than ghosting. If you need that level of surveillance, it might be time for some real talk. Keep love exciting and mysterious without playing detective. 😉
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 16 d
That's totally normal and isn't about trust, but about safety. There are areas where walking alone (like to and from work) can end badly. People can get kidnapped, beaten, or robbed. In those situations, there's rarely time to make a call and let someone know where you are and what's happening.
Tracking the location of someone who trusts us is useful, especially when you can't reach them by phone. If they're at the office or having lunch, they probably have meetings or can't hear their phone. There's no need to notify the police. But if we suddenly find out that the person is somewhere out in the middle of nowhere or in an old factory, that's a different story, right?
I feel safer knowing that my boyfriend knows where I am, and since I have nothing to hide, I don't mind sharing my location.
20 Reply 1.9K opinions shared on Relationships topic. That's totally normal for people these days. It's not just couples, a lot of families use stuff like life 360 to keep track of where everyone is. It helps parents know if their kids are speeding, and has crash detection on it. It helps us know how long until somebody's going to be home so we know how much time we need to do stuff like make dinner. It's not like most people just sit there watching the app, usually we just look if we need to know for whatever reason. I know lots of families who use Life360, I don't know anyone who just tracks their partner though. Sometimes we just use it to figure out where someone lost their phone so. It's not about trust at all, it's about safety and convenience
10 Reply- 16 d
we have life360 on our phones. it tracks. My partner works a lot of over time as an ambulance driver. And with me being suicidal and self harming, I tend to go stress eat at fast food places as a coping mechanism. The tracking allows us to make sure we're both safe if we feel the need to check. We also then send push notifications of "love you, miss you, drive safe" sentiments. Sister in law and her older kids also use it as helps the kids know where the parents are for pick ups and planning.
Trackers in themselves can have a place in the household, but you're absolutely right in if its a "trust" thing, it shouldn't be a relationship at all10 Reply 336 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Nah, I don’t do that with my boyfriend. I did turn it on when I drove to see him over break at his family’s house.
The weather wasn’t great and he wanted to make sure I was moving and alive XD
Turned it off after. He doesn’t care.
22 Reply- 14 d
That’s one thing to do , which I can understand , but to constantly have access to track your partner is absolutely crazy to me. I would never date a girl and tell her oh by the way since we are dating now I would like access to your phone to locate you just to make sure you are safe. If that girl was wise , she would dump my ads right then and there lol. Someone that can even consider doing this to their partner is a complete insecure loser that should t be in a relationship at all. If you can’t trust your partner then don’t be with them period.
- 14 d
Yeah, we are not like that at all. Besides, I pretty much know where he is most of the time. We text here and there throughout the day. I just got one before lunch saying he was going out with the guys to some party tonight.
No big deal. Me and the roomies were planning on dinner and then chilling and watching a movie. I've stopped by his dorm. If no one is there, I just leave a note on the eraser board on their door that I stopped and call later.
In no way would I track him and he would never do that to me. We just aren't that type of couple.
- 15 d
Maybe I'm too young, but I would personally be so uncomfortable stalking my partner. My partner's business is his business, and I would trust him to be loyal and truthful to me. Stalking seems so controlling and possessive to me and just gives me the ick. I also agree with what you said: If I can't trust my partner, I wouldn't be with them. So yes, I find it odd and slightly perturbing.
10 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)16 d
Yeah it’s weird, if I want to know where my boyfriend is I just call or text him. He doesn’t usually get back right away but if I ask him a question or send him something he always responds and I have enough trust in him to know he’s not lying about his location.
20 Reply - 15 d
If it is constantly then no. However I do like the idea should I be running late or something how Dave can just look at his phone and see where I am at (usually at work) and in these times it gives some piece of mind. It's great for when you have teens with phones as well. As a parent that would be called being a good and caring parent.
00 Reply - 16 d
I think it is a weird thing if someone checks their location or where they are all the time but it is kind of cool to have it openly with your partner. Like once my ex was 2 hours late and I could see he was just sitting at some food place and not dead in a car accident so I didn't need to bug him while he is out with his friends.
00 Reply If it's some kind of safety issue, it's okay in some situations. Otherwise why would I need to know where my partner is 24/7. I think the communication in relationship would be that good that we would kind of know anyway where we are at some certain times of the day.
00 ReplyIt's annoying af to me. My family does this and I can't understand why you'd want it.
The only time I sporadically shared my location, was when I spend a few months across the ocean by myself.
02 Reply- 16 d
Sharing your location is one thing but knowing your partner can stalk you at any given time , is odd to me. I would never date a girl and tell her oh by the way give me access so I can locate you , if a girl asked me to do that for her? I would say Nope , you aren’t the girl for me period if you can’t trust me whatsoever.
I view it like having access to the others phone; I think it’s healthy to be able to do so for trusts sake but if it becomes a ritual/very often then it’s a problem. Like anything in a relationship trust is a balance
10 Reply- 15 d
My partner and I have each others location but it’s not out of insecurity, it’s for safety reasons.
I very rarely check his location and when I do its usually just to see if he’s on his way home from work or not.00 Reply - 16 d
Yes, I find it very strange. It all stems from a lack of trust which will doom the relationship from the very start.
10 Reply 3.9K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Yeap if you don't trust em, why be with them? If you do, stop fucking stalking them
10 Reply843 opinions shared on Relationships topic. No tracking is allowed - period.
Geeze I wonder how the world 🌎 revolved before cellphones?02 ReplyIt's a matter of truth. I neither wanna spy on a guy's phone, nor I wouldn't be spied.
11 Reply- 14 d
Me and my girlfriend would consensually do so : we'd always be so like minded, me and ideal her, brains 💖 🧠
- 15 d
If you've got nothing to hide it shouldn't be a problem. Generally it's just a safety thing
11 Reply- 14 d
Smashingly well said 😀 📱🤳🏻
2.2K opinions shared on Relationships topic. It is absolutely none of my business to think about.
10 ReplyHaha I've never known anyone do this..
11 Reply6.7K opinions shared on Relationships topic. As a crazy privacy nut that is unacceptable to me. 1984.
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)16 d
You mean location tracker in maps? I like to know where they are. It's occasionally helpful but one of the ways that demonstrates I care about their existence.
She tolerates it but finds it weird. So be it.00 Reply - 16 d
I find it odd and disturbing when one spies on the other.
00 Reply - 16 d
One friend's mom has an app that tells her where all friends who use it are at all times. I find that creepy.
00 Reply - 14 d
That's good language 💕 when it's consensual and both parties wanted 🤌🏻💪🏻🥲
01 Reply- 14 d
*Love Language (ignore Good typo) 😂
- 16 d
No it’s okay! I would have nothing to hide as a loyal partner
10 Reply - 16 d
Very odd and childish
11 Reply 1.3K opinions shared on Relationships topic. I find it kind of creepy.
Neither my wife or I do that, we don't need to know where each other is 24/7, we have trust and respect.
00 Reply- 16 d
It shows you don’t trust them. But it also can show safety and lost. But also good if your partner could have all Alzheimer’s or dementia.
00 Reply You know I've never thought about it like that i would think of it as an accountability thing less of a paranoid thing
10 Reply7.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Nothing surprises me these days.
10 Reply- 16 d
A little... But it's a little normal depending on the relationship.
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)15 d
I think it's smart to share your location with someone you trust.
00 Reply - 15 d
Yes odd n creepy, i agree with you.
00 Reply 6K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Yes, the cell phone has messed up a lot of thing.
00 Reply7.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Weird AF
00 Reply
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